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Sandhound was sorting the few herbs she had, the coldbare had been much crueller than usual and it had worried her how much it affected everything, her clanmates, the herbs, the prey, their territorry just everything.

Only then did Sandhound notice that she had stopped sorting and instead just stared infront of her, not that there had been many herbs to sort to begin with. Suddenly she heard the thundering of paws, someone was running towards her direction. "Sandhound!" She heard a panicked yowl, just outside her den.

She swiftly turned around already trotting outside, nervousness clawing at her fur and digging deep into her mind. Wolfwish was close to bearing, if she was starting now, she would not have enough herbs to treat her if it went wrong and she didn't want to lose another clanmate.

The white molly Whitehop almost crashed into her, her hazel eyes wide with shock and her white ears laid behind her head, she was scared, that was obvious even for a cat who was more often than not alone like Sandhound. "What is it, Whitehop?" Sandhound asked, her soft yet cold voice came out in almost a whisper, her tailtip slightly twitching, the only indication of her ever growing anxiety.

"I-it's Wolfwish-" Those were the only words that came out of Whitehop before Sandhound already rushed past her to the nursery, trying to hide her own fear. It took barely any time at all to get to the nursery, Wolfwish laid on her side, panting heavily and groaning in pain as she dug her claws into the moss, probably trying to relief pain or stress. Her hazy green eyes darted towards Sandhound who quickly trotted to her side, she seemed thankfull to her presence.


Ravenlily yowled in pain and sadness as he saw his mate lying still in the clearing, cold and quiet, but now pain free. Sandhound looked as if she was in pain herself and ashamed, this was yet another patient she lost, that she should've saved. Her ears dropped as low as they could, her tail curled around herself, a form of comfort she desperately wanted but wouldn't dare ask for.

One of the partially trained herbalists, Snakeviolet, cared for Wolfwish's litter of 4 kittens, the other partially trained herbalist, Treebounce, was still out gathering herbs. So Sandhound was the only one that would have to take the blame for Wolfwish's passing and that would be fitting too, she didn't want anyone else uninvolved taking the blame.

"Sandhound, please, step forward." Sandhound flinched at their elite's, Quickmoss's voice, it was sharp yet elegant, she seemed determined and any courage or perhaps hope Sandhound had, cracked and crumbled as she stepped forward, trying to make herself as small as possible. She sheepishly looked up into the blazing amber eyes of Quickmoss, it looked as if they were glowing of disgust and power, like a fire burning at her fur, destroying her.

Suddenly Sandhound felt frail and weak, whatever came next, she knew she couldn't stop it and maybe she didn't even want to. "How come Wolfwish died in your care?" Quickmoss mewed, her voice still sharp and challenging one who was not up for the task of truly defending themself. Sandhound hesitated, thinking carefully of her answer though it likely wouldn't matter. "The harsh coldbare left almost no herbs to help with the birth and Wolfwish was incredibly strong but-" Sandhound paused for just a moment "-the litter was too large. I wish I could've done more for her." Sandhound answered at last, her voice tired and cracking as Sandhound lowered her head in defeat, shame burning her just as badly as Quickmoss's blazing amber eyes.

Ravenlily hissed at her as he narrowed his blue eyes before pouncing on her, like he would on a mouse. He held her body firmly on the sandy ground. "Oh, so you accuse my kits now?!" He growled, furious. Sandhound did not fight back, she only looked at him with tired amber eyes and for a short moment Ravenlily looked surprised before rage once again being all that was in his eyes. "I have lost yet another mate because of you!" He growled as he unsheathed his claws and dug them into Sandhound's side but not in an actual harmfull way.

"Enough, Ravenlily." Quickmoss mewed, her eyes narrowed at Sandhound, her tail twitching and swaying around the rock she stood on. "Sandhound, since you are the only fully trained herbalist I simply can't give you the punishment you deserve. Atleast for now." She mewed, the clear threat left silence behind, everyone waited on baited breath for what was about to come.

Quickmoss jumped down from her spot above her clanmates and slowly trotted towards the middle of the clearing, towards Ravenlily and Sandhound, she emitted an aura of pure power and control.

"I have talked with Whitehop and she will be willing to take your position, Sandhound. Once her training is complete you'll be exiled." Quickmoss's sharp and now cold voice grew more and more to a low growl before turning around and dismissing the clan by a swift tail movement and disapearing into her den.

Most cats immediaetly broke out into whispers and stared at Sandhound while trotting back to their previously chosen spots. After a few moments only Ravenlily, Sandhound and Whitehop remained on the clearing. Ravenlily growled at Sandhound before rushing of towards the nursery, to see his kits and probably dismiss Snakeviolet.

Sandhound laid still for a moment longer before the cold ground became too unbearable as she struggled to get back on four paws once again, feeling even weaker.
Sandhound felt the warm fur of Whitehop as she supported the much older cream and white colored molly, although  her face remained neutral, Sandhound suddenly felt a little stronger, a little younger and perhaps a little bit of hope. Maybe she could atleast save one of the cats in the clan she once called home, before Quickmoss had turned them blood hungry and cold.

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