Chapter 3

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Sandhound stood over Snakeviolet who was barely awake but atleast alive. She had found a few creeping vines near the small cave they were hiding in and had immediately gotten to work, chewing them up and putting them onto Snakeviolet's wounds, closing them up as best as she could.

Sandhound felt a wave of relief as Snakeviolet gave her a small smile before closing his eyes again. "I'll be back very soon-" she stopped and touched his forehead with her muzzle "-rest well." She mewed softly before turning around and trotting outside the small cave, which opening was well hid.

Sandhound's ears perked as she listened for any sort of hint for prey. Although her hunting skill was a bit rusty, it should be enough for now.

She soon heard the flapping of a bird's wings to her right. A well fed pigeon had landed a bit further away from her, unknowing of the danger silently but slowly approaching. Sandhound made sure not to make any sound, no matter if it took a little longer, this was simply a great oppurtunity, which she just couldn't afford to mess up.

She had crept closer than perhaps she should've but luckily she still pounced quick enough to catch the pigeon offguard and succesfully deliver the killing bite. The pigeon dangled from her mouth as she turned towards the small cave again but as she walked she noticed that her left hind leg hurt whenever she walked on it.

It stung whenever she put pressure on it, she must've sprained it but atleast she had gotten the prey. Sandhound let her injured leg mostly drag behind her as she put the pressure on her three healthy legs.

Sandhound carefully pushed through the old vines, lose rocks and few bushes covering the entrance of the cave, Snakeviolet still slept in the same spot when she had left, which didn't surprise her. She luckily hadn't been out for long.

He drowsily lifted his head to greet her, Sandhound quickly waved her tail. She trotted over him, ignoring her sprained leg to not worry him but she almost winced whenever she stepped on it. Why had it have to hurt that much.

After a short moment Sandhound dropped the bird near Snakeviolet. "Here, you eat first, it's enough for us both." Sandhound mewed, pushing the dead but still warm bird closer to Snakeviolet, he hungrily started to eat from it. Her own stomache yearning for the bird.

After a few bites he seemed satisfied and pushed it towards Sandhound. "Thank you, I appreciate it, really." He mewed, his voice raspy from thirst. Sandhound hesitated for a moment but she didn't want to worry him, so she started eating but she still felt a sting of guilt as she did so.

It was their only catch after all, who knows when she'd actually catch another piece of prey. She couldn't bring herself to completely eat it. Snakeviolet seemed worried but he just rested his head on the cool ground again, his tail laying softly on Sandhound's back. "Be carefull not to starve yourself." He warned but he seemed really tired again, it worried her.

Then he smirked, suddenly a more mischeviouse glimmer in his indigo eyes. "You'll be the one responsible for hunting for a bit." He teased, before closing his eyes. Sandhound felt nervous, he was right: She was responsible for them both. She the herbalist who couldn't save so, so many cats before from death. Could she even provide for herself, let alone for Snakeviolet too?

She had already hurt herself when hunting the pigeon. Maybe she should try hunting for another piece of prey, just in case. Sandhound shook her head, she should stay and watch over Snakeviolet, she had already left him alone for some time, right now he needed her more than ever before.

While waiting for herself to become tired she carefully picked the feathers from the dead pigeon, later using them to make his nest more comfortable, he'd be laying in it for a while so it might aswell be comfortable.

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