Chapter 2

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Sandhound looked at the nightsky, it's dark blue color directed the focus at the thousands upon thousands of white eyes of fallen ancenstors on it, looking down upon them and guiding their living clanmates through countless struggles.

She stood in the clearing with Whitehop by her side and she hoped her ancestors stood by her clan and with her too as they'd look upon the young white molly, hopefully in approval.

The cold air clawed at her cream and white colored fur and spread into her body as they waited for the other two to come out, so they could start wandering to the spirit's cliff.

It felt like pawfull of nights had passed before the familiar rustling of vines and leafs could be heard from within the den as Snakeviolet and Treebounce finally stepped outside and trotted towards Sandhound and Whitehop.

The group trotted outside of the camp's silent clearing and followed an ancient path through the mountains that slowly went higher up in the sky as the layers of snow slowly thickened and the air grew even colder and much quieter. 

The silence weighed heavy on Sandhound's shoulders, tonight might be the night when the spirits accept Whitehop as a fully trained herbalist. Sandhound knew that she'd make an excellent herbalist, if only she stopped doubting herself over everything, though it's a struggle she could understand.

Soon enough they were at the spirit's cliff and looked over the land under them. The countless mountains stood in silence, never shifting never changing as snow laid on them, suffocating the sounds of smaller animals or even larger predators.

Around the mountains greener land was there, though now at night devoid of any life and light. The trees of countless forests hid away larger predators or other unlucky prey. She recalled and knew it was true even though she couldn't see it tonight.

Sandhound could see everyone's breath as it followed the ever repeating rythm of life as it came out in little white clouds, always in the same order but never synced with anyone of their small group. Soon enough they all took their places on the cliff, looking out to unseen, untouched and undiscovered lands.

Tonight Whitehop was furthest, she laid down too close to the edge and Sandhound felt worried, one wrong move and she'd fall to a certain death. Either their ancestors would accept her as an herbalist or into their ranks, ofcourse Sandhound hoped for the first option but had she truly taught Whitehop everything she needed to know or had she failed her duty as a teacher?

What would happen if they instead accepted her into their ranks? Would Quickmoss give her another chance to teach a different learner or would Quickmoss force Treebounce or Snakeviolet to swallow down their pride and be taught by her?

If things went wrong the later would probably happen, after all Quickmoss had decided to make her life as worst as she could and losing someone close to her like Snakeviolet or even have Treebounce begrudgingly learning from her while berating her too would deffinetely not be great.

But Quickmoss was also a very smart elite and wouldn't exile Sandhound until she would leave behind a suitable herbalist in her place. So if their ancestors would take Whitehop, they'd have a good reason, they'll only do what is best for their former clanmates and family. Even if their message landed on deaf ears sometimes, Sandhound had devoted her life to them and her clan, she would follow her duty even when it was no longer asked for or appreciated.

She was willing to work with Quickmoss but she couldn't force her help on the stubborn molly and Sandhound already accepted that, especially after being blamed for another tragedy.

Sandhound was deep into thoughts as she rested against the old, dead treetrunk that seemingly had always been there. She had heard tales from the served about it as a kit, telling the story of how when their clan first came to the mountains a lightning strike brighter than the sun hit the old tree and made it fall into the place they now call their home. But no one knew where the tree had gone, it seemingly just dissappeared but the trunk never did.

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