Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


Spring 2017 – Takes place during The Knight's Peace (Book 3)

I'm feeling better lately. There's still some lingering sadness. But spring is here. Warmer weather brings new beginnings. I have two nieces and a nephew that are almost here. Iris is doing better. She's been doing a lot of gardening lately and seems to be in higher spirits. She even came and hung out with me and the girls for a brunch date the other day.

I'm working out outside in our outdoor gym, blowing off some steam before my date with Liam Carmichael later. I'm still stringing him along. He's been waiting patiently for me to put out, I just know it. And he'll be sorely disappointed when I never do.

"Hey Nes," Viv comes up, smiling at me. She's got her workout gear on.

"Hey Vivian," I smile back. "You ready to have me kick your ass?"

She scoffs, "Hardly." She picks up the ropes and starts doing an arm workout. "Do you want to do a movie night tonight? My brother is at his friend's for the weekend so I have the whole weekend free."

"Ugh, I wish," I sigh, taking a break to sip some water. "I have a date with Carmichael."

Viv frowns in concern. "Still?"

I give her a look. "Trust me. I'm close."

Viv gives me a look of concern. I hold up a hand and tell her, "I don't want to hear it, Viv. Mira reems me daily. So does Ro. I'm good. Seriously. I have a plan."

Viv nods nervously.

"How about you use that Tinder profile I made you and you can go on a date with a real-life man this evening instead?" I ask hopefully. I'm always trying to set Viv up on a date. It's kind of our thing. She's always got her nose in some romance book. I've known Vivian Chang for years – back when she was my tutor. And in all the years I have known her, I have never once seen her with a guy, or go on a date.


"I'll message someone against your will. I have no problem with that," I give her a toothy grin. Viv mutters under her breath.

The two of us do a quick workout then head back towards the house.

I notice Ronan, Sean, Cal, and Tristan talking to Damien Yenin at the table by the pool and falter in my step. They seem to be finishing up whatever conversation they were in because they start dispersing.

Viv is talking about the dangers of online dating.

I'm almost relieved when Cal comes over and interrupts her, "Hey Vivi. Nes," he nods at us. "What are you ladies up to?"

Viv almost trips over her own feet. As she is so prone to do around Alistair Callahan. I roll my eyes. These two.

If they just went ahead and got together, it would save me a massive headache.

Viv and Cal start talking and I linger behind. Ronan and Tristan are talking. Sean is heading back to his cottage. He's practically running back there. No doubt to see Iris. It's no big secret that Sean is completely head over heels for Iris.

Again. These men.

Damien starts heading up the pathway towards the front of the mansion, not even meeting my eyes. I all but run after him.

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