Mental health/depression

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If I take depression and title it the worst
Over , friends,family,relationship, self love,  acceptance,peer pressure, bullying,self care I might be wrong or I might be right

But for without all the mentioned things above depression is nothing
For these are the causes, these are the things that drives us into this enemy

We expected to overcome this thing ,
We expected to not take ourselves there
We expected not to show this thing
We expected to live with this thing

But how are we suppose to overcome such an enemy

When before depression comes a friend
A friend we expected to be the best part of us , a friend we expect to be there always , a friend we never thought would , a friend we trusted,a friend we accepted, a friend we loved , but a friend ends up being the depression

When before depression comes family
Blood is what people say
A shoulder to cry on
A friend
Most trusted
Then what has become of the family if they the one causing the depression
They judge
They compare
They create us but the family ends up being the depression

Then they say self love is us , is what makes us , but what has become of it if the mentality does not have the self love it's suppose to give
For the effects of self love comes after depression how do we solve such meastry
For this thing blocks  our  normal mental health , and for without mental health self love is nothing , for  the love we have for overselves comes from our mental, for how you  think of yourself comes from your mind

Once one person lacks the self love we all suppose to have , the will be no acceptance of oneself , one's situation nor one's life , how can one have the ability to accept everything,every situation, while they can't even love themselves , for all this bought by depression will stay as long as it stays ,
For depression after depression comes bullying too
They bully because they don't understand the state of one person being  depressed , but for we all just need to be strong, fight this enemy ,

For us as friends, family , and you as you ,play a part in someone's mental health disturbance , in someone being depressed, we all need to make a difference, we need to stop and fight , take our hands off such an enemy and help each other by not leading someone into such enemy

Let's be friends we suppose to be, families we suppose to be , let's thrive to have the mental health we all suppose to have ,
For depression is nothing without us and our problems
For it's nothing without family. Friends , insecurities, self abuse, hate, bullying,e.t.c

A phase we all , went through ,going through ,still have to face ,  has nothing in us if one person has already went through and managed to break through

Let's give support to be people who go through depression.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2023 ⏰

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