Chapter 2

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A/N: Your outfit above)

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A/N: Your outfit above)


It was the next day, and everything went normal. Me and Jackson both took the same car to school, he went off to his friends and I went to find Lydia and the new girl Allison, then classes went as normal.  It was now after school, I decided that I'll stay to watch lacrosse practice today as I didn't have much homework to when I go home, so after my last class I walked to the lacrosse field only to come across my brother grilling Scott about how hes gotten so good at the sport so quickly convinced he was taking some kind of chemical boost or something.

With a sign I decided to step in once I saw things was getting alittle heated and shouted for my brother telling him that practice was going to start soon with a bang of his fist on the lockers behind Scott he turned then walked over to me and we both walked to the playing field together, I glanced over my shoulder at Scott and gave him a small smile which he returned before I turned back around only to get a side comment from my brother about how he will find out what Scott was on to make him so good at Lacrosse, once on the field we split ways him going to the team and I made my way towards the bleachers.

As I scanned the bleachers for a place to sit, I noticed Stiles rush franticly over to Scott which was now by the bench where they talked for a few minutes before couch all for the team to gather around him, my eyes flicked over to Stiles which looked worried then over to Scott to see my brother ram into him making him fall over. Whatever Stiles was worried about must be important, so I walked over to him to ask what it was, tapping his shoulder before sitting down on the bench next to him we shared a look then I looked out to the field.

"Tell me. Is Scott in danger or something? Because I saw you trying to tell him something, but he had to go"

Stiles)"Yh he is, or to other people anyway. I overheard my dad on the phone and the fiber analyst in LA found animal hair on the body from the woods, guess what the animal was?"

I turned so could still see the field but also look at Stiles now curious about what sort of animal could rip a person in half like that, and I didn't care if Jackson saw us talking either because I have a feeling whatever Stiles was about to say was going to change everything.

"I don't know, mountain lion maybe?"

Stiles)"A wolf"

My gut feeling was right, this did change everything and I'm not one to believe in the impossible without proof, but Scott may very well be the proof of what I thought he was; I could tell me and Stiles was both thinking the same thing too. After practice was over, I went with Stiles to his house to do some research about what we thought Scott co be and eventually we both agreed that he must be a werewolf, during our search for answers I took off my jacket and made myself comfortable on his bed while I flicked throw a few mythology books I got from the school library. 

Eventually a knock was heard from door making Stiles jump which made me laugh alittle as he went to open the door only to see Scott there with a smirk on his face already knowing he made his best friend jump; Scott came in giving me a smile which I returned as I closed my book then got up to place it on Stiles desk as he started to explain why he asked him to come over for, my phone buzzed so I took it from my pocket to see a text from Lydia asking if I was going to her party this afternoon which I replied with a yes then put my phone back into my pocket and looked up when I heard a crash.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing, Scott had pinned Stiles to the wall then in a fit of anger he pushed Stiles's desk chair over before grabbing his things and leaving, once he was out of the room; I went over to Stiles asking if he was okay which he said he was then he picked up his chair, but we were both surprised to see claw marks on the back of it. I helped clean up the load of papers all over the place then left for Lydias which I already knew she was going to dress me up in something that she thought "made me look hot" which is her words. 

A/N: Your party outfit above)

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A/N: Your party outfit above)

I danced with random people surprisingly enjoying myself but stayed away from the red cups in the kitchen already knowing it had alcohol in them, I stopped Alisson and Scott during the party too which I was glad they still went on their date but was worried that something would happen because of what me and Stiles thought he was.

Eventually I was pulled away from the party from Stiles that explained Scott suddenly left so we piled into his jeep then event over to Scott's house to check if he was okay, he asked about Alison which Stiles told him she had a ride home by Derek but that only made Scott run off and we went to check if Alison made it home which she did so that left us to search for Scott all night, after a while in the early hours of the morning we found him walking down the side of a road next to the woods without a shirt and holding his arm.

I climbed into the back as Stiles gave him his jacket and while they talked, I fell asleep in the back without noticing as I was gently shook awake by Stiles after he dropped Scott him then he drove me home which I was greatful for. 

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