Chapter 42: A Night Out

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~Third Person PoV~

As (Y/n) left the room to clean up and get dressed, the gazes of the Daemos boys linger on them until their bedroom door closes behind them. And once the door's closed, they hurry off into the palace. However, instead of going to get their human clothes, they huddle in the main entry way, a bit surprised by the human's proposition.

"This is quite an unexpected turn of events..." Rhys mutters, looking down at the floor.

"Yes." Pierce agrees, quietly, unable to stop himself from thinking about his date with (Y/n). Would this be the same?

Leif makes a face at the others. "I can't be the only one of us who thinks this sounds like one of those date things, right?"

"No, you're not." Rhys admits. "Although... from how it went when Pierce and Noi went with (Y/n) and Ava, I would've thought it would only be between two people."

Pierce gives a small nod. "Yes."

Asch crosses his arms. "Maybe this is a test to see who would be the best at courting (Y/n)." He remarks.

Noi's eyes widen at the thought. "R-Really?"

"Perhaps... you're on to something, your majesty..." Rhys speaks again. "Perhaps we're supposed to be acting as their... suitors, of sorts, during this."

"So it's like..." Leif's eyes light up. "A competition?!"


Asch glares at the assassin. "Don't get your hopes up. Clearly, I will be the one to win their hand."

"Hey!" Noi huffs. "I wanted to court (Y/n)!"

"You're both pathetic." Leif scoffs. "You don't stand a chance against me."

Rhys sighs. "Please don't let this get out of hand. Keep in mind (Y/n) just forgave us for almost getting Ava killed. We mustn't betray their trust again."

Pierce nods. "We must be subtle."

"Precisely, Pierce. We can all strive to win their hand, but we can't overdo it..." Rhys states.

Leif smirks at the others. "Fine, fine... then let the best Daemos win!" And with that, he phases away from the others to get his human clothes. The others followed suit, going to retrieve their own human clothes as well.

~(Y/n)'s PoV~

I scan over myself in the mirror once I'm dressed, lightly patting down the wrinkles of my clothes. A small sigh escapes my lips at my own appearance, and I wonder for a moment if I'm trying to hard. I tried to dress a little bit nicer than I usually would, but... what was the point?

"Ugh, is this stupid?" I ask no one in particular. Although, Galaxy is sitting on my bed, watching me. "What do you think?" I turn towards her. "Am I being ridiculous?"

Galaxy only meows in response, looking away from me to lick her paw. I let out a small huff, walking over and scooping her up into my arms. "You're no help, y'know that?" She only blinks at me before meowing again and pawing at my arm to put her down. I place her back on the bed and look back at my mirror.

"Why do I care about this so much?" I sigh to myself. "I think I worry too much about everything... I should just... relax more." I force a smile. "Let's not be so uptight now..." I feel silly talking to myself like this, but it calms me down in its own weird way. "I'm just gonna enjoy the night..."

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