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{i know i need to stop starting new fics when i have others that are unfinished, but i think i like writing this and i just wanted to try something new. this doesn't mean im quitting on any of my other ones, those will soon have updates}


The sound of wheels scraping the smooth cement filled the air, images of people skating on ramps and performing simple tricks flashed by me as I watched silently.

If I was being honest, this wasn't my first choice- being at the skatepark that is, but some of my friends I had reunited with requested that we hang out for a couple of hours to skate and hang out, the group agreeing with little protest.

The skatepark wasn't too full, likely due to the dramatically hot weather, the bright sun never seeming to rest. Only a couple of people were skating, or at least learning how to. I watched the way they'd go up and down the half pipe, the image distracting me, my mind quickly zoning out.

Skating was a lot harder than I'd thought it be, never realizing how much of a bad skater I was until stepping on the board for the first time only a few minutes before, attempting to ride and perform simple tricks and nearly falling in result. I didn't realize I would wobble so much, didn't realize how much balance I lacked.

If I was being honest, it was pretty embarrassing the lack of skill I held for something so easily done on the surface. It was especially embarrassing that I was surrounded by more experienced skaters who made it look way too easy. I dealt with it regardless, chuckling with my friends at my own failed attempts until eventually giving up and sitting on the half pipe, running my hand through my hair.

My friend, Serj, was next to me, leaning back on his palms as he glanced over at me, a small smile resting on his face, running his fingers through his short unkempt curly hair

I tried to ignore the way he continuously looked at me, both of us sitting in comfortable silence. I wished he would've just walked away from me, hoped that maybe he'd start distancing himself from me just so I could spare my own stupid feelings.

As much as it hurt to admit, I was... obsessed with him, to say the least. That was something that shouldn't have been true, considering he was someone I had been friends with since I was elementary age.

The sun had been relentlessly hot the past few weeks, no rest from the scorching heat emitting from the burning star, the small breeze doing little help to cool us off. In hindsight, wearing my somewhat baggy jeans and a borrowed black top probably wasn't the smartest idea, but it was too late to do anything about that.

The outdoor skatepark wasn't as chaotic or intimidating as it initially seemed, everyone mostly minding their own business and doing their own thing, some of them actually quite helpful. It was a little relaxing if I was being honest- watching as some of the boys and girls skated up the half pipe, the sound pulling me in, the motion keeping me interested.

I would've never have willingly chosen the skatepark as an option if my friends hadn't suggested it, practically begging to go, wanting to teach John how to skate and do tricks that he'd probably fail. I didn't ever imagine that I'd enjoy it as much as I currently was.

My friends seemed eager to teach the rest of the group how to skate, one of them passing me a board earlier in the day, wanting me to at least try. So I did, hopping onto the board and following their instructions. However, it wasn't as helpful as I was quick to lose my balance, not retaining any of the tricks explained to me step by step. It was still fun, having a good time despite nearly falling a few times.

I smiled at the events from just a few mere minutes before, still sitting comfortably on the top of the half pipe, watching skaters intently.

My eyes trailed around the park, zoning out as I followed the movement of boards that moved around us, ignoring the heat that washed over my body. I caught a glimpse of a dark haired boy skate by, our eyes meeting for a brief second, the boy flashing me a smile.

how i feel when im around you ★ {serj tankian}Where stories live. Discover now