Prologue: Before 10

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The oppressive summer heat hung heavy, even with the reprieve of a sudden rain shower. Professor Oak's annual Pokémon camp buzzed with excited chaos, except for two small figures huddled beneath a giant Oak tree. Ash, a mop of sunshine-brown hair clinging to his forehead, peered at the huddled mass of trembling brown creatures beneath.

"Whoa, are those Bonsly?" he whispered, eyes wide with curiosity.

Beside him, (Y/N), ever the stoic observer, adjusted his oversized cap further down his face.

"Looks like it."

The rain intensified, drumming a relentless rhythm on the leaves. The Bonsly, despite their rock-like bodies, shivered violently, their big black eyes glistening with fear. One, braver than the rest, ventured closer, letting out a pitiful squeak.

 One, braver than the rest, ventured closer, letting out a pitiful squeak

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Ash, his empathy overflowing, tugged 
(Y/N)'s sleeve.

"We gotta help them! Rain isn't good for rock Pokémon, right?"

(Y/N), despite his usual aloofness, couldn't ignore the trembling creatures. He crouched down, extending a tentative hand. The Bonsly hesitated, then cautiously nudged its head against his palm. Its touch was surprisingly cool, the dampness from the rain creating a smooth, almost moss-like texture.

"They're scared of the water," (Y/N) observed, noticing how the Bonsly flinched each time a raindrop landed on them.

Ash, quick with ideas, clapped his hands.

"The abandoned cabin! It's close and dry!"

Without hesitation, they led the small Pokémon parade through the rain-soaked grass. The Bonsly scurried along, their stubby legs leaving little trails in the mud. Each gust of wind, each dripping leaf, sent shivers down their tiny bodies.

Reaching the ramshackle cabin, Ash pushed open the creaky door. Sunlight, filtered through dusty windows, bathed the interior in a warm glow. Relief washed over the Bonsly as they hurried inside, collapsing in a pile of shivering brown fur.

Ash and (Y/N) grinned at each other, a sense of accomplishment warming them from the inside out. As they watched the Bonsly dry off, their fear slowly replaced by curiosity, Ash noticed something strange. One of the Bonsly, the bravest one from earlier, was staring intently at him, its black eyes seeming to bore into his.

Then, something incredible happened. The Bonsly's club-like head contorted, mimicking the shape of Ash's baseball cap. A giggle erupted from (Y/N), breaking the tension. Ash, wide-eyed with wonder, realized the little Rock-type Pokémon was imitating him!

The rain outside gradually subsided, replaced by the chirping of returning bird Pokémon. As the last rays of sunlight painted the sky with vibrant hues, Ash and (Y/N) knew they had not only found shelter for the frightened Bonsly but also discovered a newfound appreciation for the wonder and mimicry of the Pokémon world. The day, despite the threat of universal heat death, ended with the comforting warmth of friendship and the magic of Pokémon.

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