I'm NOT a boybander, get me out of here!

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“She has to go with him,” Emily’s mother insisted as she argued with her husband for what must have been the thousandth time this week. “ The doctor said she couldn’t be alone for at least a few months.” Emily groaned inwardly from her place sleeping on he twin’s chest. They’d always been like that, sleeping together doing everything together.

“How are they ever going to grow if you keep them together?” Niall tensed underneath Emily, his body going ridged. “Putting them in different schools wasn’t enough! Niall was a wreck last tour.” That must have been it for the slightly older twin because he gently slid his sister off of his chest and made his way to the shower.

Emily sighed laying back on her brother’s bed, fully awake now he mother continued to say that this wasn’t about their individual development. They were nineteen years old, they had survived Niall being on the X-factor the survived Niall’s first tour they survived Emily’s first year at university away from each other.

The girl padded her was down the stairs the bruises on her wrists had now faded and all that was left was a memory. People didn’t realize she was fine, everyone stepped cautiously around the girl careful that any mention or any remark could send her over the edge. “I’m fine.”

Both parents turned to look at the lithe girl standing at the bottom of the stairs. “We know honey, “ Her mother moved to place a hand gently on her face, but of course they didn’t. “we all just think it would be best if you spent he summer with Niall, in the states.”

Emily rolled her eyes, was this really happening to her. It should be every girls dream to travel the states with her brother who was her best friend and all of his band mates. But not like this. Not with everyone acting like she was a moment from flinging her self off the closest bridge. “I’d really rather not.”

“It’s not up for discussion.” Her mother said again. Looking between her parents Emily sough her father’s eyes but he wouldn’t meet hers.

“I don’t want to spend the summer being baby sat by Paul and the rest of management’s team!” Angry tears filled the blonds eyes as she turned away suddenly angry that her father wouldn’t stand up to her mother. “Do you want them to think that I’m a burden?” There it was, her real fear.

She couldn’t believe that is had came out of her own mouth looking between her parents one last time Emily turned and retreated back up the stairs. It was such a childish thing to say but that was it wasn’t it, she didn’t want Niall’s friends to see her like this. To see the medicine bottles, to think of her differently.

Emily threw her self back on to the bed and listened to the shower run, maybe it wouldn’t be that bad. ‘Think of it as a co-ed summer camp, where you’re the only girl’ her best friend Katie had told her the day she got out of hospital.

“Nialler!” Fuck. Zayn burst through the door without any warning wielding a skateboard in one hand and a duffle bag in the other. “Oh, hey Em.” Oh hey Em. Emily thought, what was that. Zayn had been Niall’s best friend since meeting on the X-factor, Emily swore that Zayn had just picked up and moved in since he was always at their house.

“What’s up?” Running a hand through her blond hair Emily tried to think of anything normal to say, anything that would cut this tension that enveloped them like jelly. “Still wiping out?” She smirked looking at the skateboard in his hand.

Zayn smiled. Yes! The awkward, don’t know what to say, how are you feeling conversation had been diverted. “Smart, coming from someone who has never even been on a board.” His Bradford accent made everything sound so much cheekier.

“Whatever Malik,” Emily shook her head not denying the fact that she really couldn’t skateboard. “Why are you in my house?” She kid, people always mistook her and Zayn’s banter for flirting but it wasn’t. She just couldn’t see Zayn that way, he was practically another brother to her.

“To see if you guys wanted to go get some food.” Zayn sprawled out on the king sized bed that Niall and Emily usually slept in. “and to spend my last few days of ‘vacation’ with my favorite people.”

Emily bit her lower lip, so had the band not heard? Or maybe they were as against the doctor’s idea for her to tag along on the tour as she was. The girl opened her mouth to say something but as usual was saved by Niall.

“You haven’t heard bro?” Niall was stepping out of the bathroom pulling his shirt over his damp body. “She’s coming with.” Niall winked at her when Zayn turned to face the girl.

The older man’s eyes narrowed for a moment trying to figure out if the twins were joking or not. Emily’s cheeks went a dark pink waiting for Zayn to respond. “Sweet!” he nodded turning back to Niall. “Can we all go get food now? I’m starving.” 

I'm NOT a boybander, get me out of here!Where stories live. Discover now