Weakness Is Disgusting, But My Boyfriend Finds It Adorable...

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DISCLAIMER: This content is GAY, and it also contains BOTTOM MALE READER. If you're uncomfortable with that, please feel free to leave quietly.

No HATE comments because I'm sensitive, and this fanfic will be in Second Person P.O.V.

"Hahaha! This is laughable! How does it feel to be beaten by a junior?!" A girl laughed, holding a red haired male up by his shirt. The male she held up had bruises and cuts on his face, and a bloody nose. He looked at the female in slight annoyance, but he didn't say anything to her.

"Seriously, how are you graduating from this school?! Better yet, how were you able to even become a senior here at all?!" She laughed, throwing the male into a near wall. "Oh, wait. I think I know. It's academics, isn't it? That means you'll be selected to become a Strategist Teacher for the school, or if you're lucky, you'll be able to make weapons upgrades for us Beast Hunters." She said with a smirk as she walked towards the male that was still on the wall. "I wouldn't take a weapon from you though." She sassed.

'My name is Daiko Yuzakima, and I'm a senior student at Power HighSchool. As you can tell, I'm not really liked here because I'm weak. My ability allows me to be smart and strategic, but it's easily overpowered by all the other abilities around the school.'

"Well, get up! Aren't you gonna fight me back?" She teased.

'I guess I can't leave the audience in the dark for too long, huh? This girl is Iza Mourn. She's one of the top three strongest juniors in this school, but I doubt that's true. Her ability gives her a flaming sword, which is located on her hip, and I think that's just basic. Are the juniors really that bad for a flaming sword to be one of the best abilities?'

"I'm not...fighting you back, Iza. It's just a waste of time." Daiko said, which irritated the female.

"Waste of time?! How dare you call me a waste of time! I, Iza Mourn, am the third strongest junior in this damn school!" She grabbed Daiko by the shirt again, and yanked him up to her face. She raised up her fist and punched Daiko in the face.

'Sad. A freshmen can punch harder than that. Now I'm certain that her being one of the strongest is nothing but a fluke.' The male spat out a wad of blood from his mouth. Daiko looked at the female with a smirk, and that pissed her off even more.

"What the hell are you smirking at?!"

"Well, in case you didn't know, I turned on the cameras in all the halls before I decided to go to class. It would be a shame if the principal saw that one of their top students bullied the weak." Daiko chuckled, holding up the remote that controlled the cameras. "The cameras even have audio too. They can hear every little word you say."

"Give me that, you bastard!" She swiped the remote from Daiko, and she pressed the 'OFF' button to turn off the cameras. Unfortunately, it didn't work.

She could hear Daiko's chuckle, "Did I ever say that was the real remote? I made that on my way here. It serves no big purpose, but it was funny seeing you panic for a bit. It's gonna be so fun seeing you drop from the top."

Out of rage, Iza unsheathed her blade. The iron sword itself was purely red, and she held it dangerously close to Daiko's neck.

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