Chapter 2: Venomous

16 3 10

May 2018

"Alex, what a wonderful surprise." Thor said as he opened the door to his room.

"No time for small talk, Thunder, I need to call in my favor." Alex turned on her heels and headed for the stairs to the roof. "Grab your hammer, I need a ride to San Francisco."

"What exactly are we doing here?" Thor asked as they landed outside the building of Eddie's old job.

"You are doing nothing, so you are free to go." Alex called over her shoulder as she walked to what she thought was Anne Weying's car. "I am here to kick my brother's ass."

When Anne had called her to ask for help in finding Eddie she doubted Anne thought she'd show up, especially considering she lived three thousand miles away but from the story Anne had told her about body shut downs and weird behavior Alex figured she could do more from here. Eddie was an idiot but he was her brother and she'd be there if he needed her.

"Alex, I'm not just going to leave you here." Thor said as she walked away but Alex just turned and gave him a deadly glare.

"I'm good, Thunder. I'll call you if I need a ride back." She started to walk again before pausing. "Oh and I think it goes without saying but don't mention this to anyone back in New York, especially Annie."

Reluctantly Thor took off as a tiny blonde stepped out of the black SUV in front of the building.

"Anne," Alex called out.

Anne turned to Alex, eyes widening at the sight of her. "Alex, are you here?"

"I've got fast friends." Alex came to stand in front of Anne. "So what are we doing here?"

They heard the faint sound of gunshots coming from in the building.

"Hopefully not picking up a body." Anne said as she started walking quickly toward the sound and Alex couldn't help but like her more for going towards the gunshots.


Anne opened the back door of her SUV and Eddie just stared at it.

"I can't go with you, it's not safe."

"Get in the car, Eddie." Anne walked toward the driver's side. "In the back."

"Anne will be fine, Eddie. I'm here." Alex stood behind her brother, studying his form and trying to figure out how the black beast they had seen inside was in him. She poked his shoulder lightly and a slime like head and neck came flying out at her, stopping centimeters from her face with a growl. "Interesting." she said before she shrugged and climbed into the passenger seat.

"I like them," Eddie heard in his head as Venom retracted into his body. "Get in."


Eddie stormed out of the MRI room as Alex stood at the glass watching the ooze crawl around.

"You want to tell me what the hell is going on?" Dan asked Anne.

"I do," Anne replied. "And you're right we do need to talk about it but I don't know much more than you do."

Alex tracked the ooze as it slid down the glass and moved up the far wall and across the ceiling, heading towards the vents. "I'm going to give you two some privacy." She said, crossing the control room and exiting.

Alex stepped into the hall, her brother long gone and began to walk slowly. If I were an alien parasite in need of a hospitable healthy host, where would I go? Her steps were cautious and she scanned the ceiling tiles as she went trying to see and signs of movement or residue leaking through when she heard a small growl at her feet. Looking down a small Pomeranian sat staring up at her and its eyes flashed white.

"Not my first thought but whatever works." She said as Anne stepped up beside her.


"It doesn't matter if you kill me anyway because there is something way bigger afoot in this world than you and me." Alex could hear Eddie talking as she and Venom stalked through the woods.

"I'm going to eat them." Venom growled in her head.

"Be my guest," she replied. He hadn't been asking for permission but she wasn't going to argue. These men had kidnapped her brother. They deserved whatever came their way.

Venom stretched out from her, snatching one of the men in the back silently and she could tell Eddie had seen them. He kept talking to keep the remaining men distracted as venom again stretched forward taking a second man.

"Karma's a bitch." Eddie laughed out as they stalked up behind the last man.

"I don't believe in Karma." Venom grabbed the man pointing a gun at Eddie by the shoulders and whirled him as he allowed half of Alex's face to show.

"Hi, I'm Karma." She smiled before Venom took over again and bit the man's head off.


"You know you didn't have to come all the way out here, Alex, but I appreciate you doing so. Helping me, helping Anne help me and all that." Eddie said as he, Anne and Alex stood outside of Anne's house.

"I'll always come when you need me. Even though you're not as cool without the symbiote you're still my brother." Alex checked her watch and as she looked back up she thought she caught a strange expression pass over her brother's face. "Am I still going to see you at the wedding next week?"

"Uh, yeah. Yeah, I'll be there." Eddie said, movements a bit twitchy.

"Alex, your chariot awaits." Thor landed next to the trio, a bright smile on his face and hand held out. "And I suggest we leave quickly because Annie and Sam are looking for you. I told them Iris had an emergency but I don't think Annie believed me."

Alex smiled. "I'll take care of her when I get back. Anne, it was a pleasure to see you. Hope you and Dan can make it next week too." She said, taking Thor's hand.

"Alex, you can't invite my ex to your wedding." Eddie huffed and Anne tisked her disapproval.

"It's my wedding. I can invite whomever I want. And before you start that me or her shit, let me express clearly I like her more than I like you, so."

"I appreciate the invite, but it's a little last minute for a cross country trip." Anne declined politely with a kind smile.

"Shame," Alex shrugged. "Alright, Thunder, Let's go."

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