Act II

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Oh, I just wonder. What names would I give my new slaves? It’s not like it’s really that important, but I should have a name settled at least.
‘Huh? It seems like the opposition has spiralled more out of control here.’ I said to myself while peering over to the obstreperous town, though there’s this one feeling that can’t be shaken off me. It’s a foreboding sensation; best that I should pay no mind to it.
The carriage seems to close in on the town and finally the rowdy voices of the citizens are now more intelligible, with most of it being chants and ranting shouts. Gosh, because of the noisiness covering my ears, is what I did to avoid hearing those distasteful words; even with my ears covered, it was nearly unbearable as the carriage came in closer with the town - I tucked my head to the opposite side. Clenching my palms over my ear, I tried desperately just to deafen the many noises I was hearing.
“KYAAAAAAA!!’ I roared when the coachman finally drove through the obnoxious crown and almost immediately some took notice and started grabbing my arm, some trying to pull my dress down. I thought that I’d be unscathed throughout this ride? It’s annoying!! It was as if God slapped me on the cheek. Ugh, honestly. Staying back in the carriage, I tried desperately to shy away from these hypocrites and then suddenly. A shift in direction took place, the carriage was flipped to its side.
Now they’ve done it! The dusty ground dirtied my entire garment at the same time my arm was aching from the pain of falling, it felt as if desert weeds had brushed against it.
“Miss! Are you okay? I’m terribly sorry! The townsfolk made the bullock run away! Come, come, Miss.” Tch. A man like you had only one duty, and even you failed at it.
I rejected his hand's offer and raised myself up whilst dusting my garment.
“What was your job supposed to be, you imbecile?!” I fumed angrily; now the day’s all ruined. This coachman… gosh, he’s a sleazy insect, all this dirt over me is nearly making me regurgitate, not to mention the embarrassment I have to suffer from all these lowlives gawking at me like freaks!!! The coachman insisted on bringing me to an inn for the meantime. I led the way myself as he followed behind. Each second I keep glaring at him with disdain, I imparted him my words as we both entered the inn:
“NO more delays, I need only to powder my nose - purchase me a glass of cider. Once I return, you better have that carriage repaired.” Demanding fiercely as I reach my way to the comfort rooms. Breathing heavily as I slam the door behind me, I looked up to see a… whore? What is she even looking at? Doesn’t she know how to read the atmosphere? Tch, whatever. I bolted myself up to the nearest stool, passing that egregious wench — reaching the furthest stool away from her after lowering my head. I sat in comfort. Wenches like her… Animals who’re oblivious of their place, tsk.
“You’re a… Venerer, right?” Huh? This bitch dare turn to look me directly in the eye? Tsk..
I nodded in silence and immediately looked away.
“Why is someone like you around town? More importantly, why don't thieves like you scram out of this country? That’s right, the Venerers are a long-line of chauvinists, well not that I am any better, but I’m sick of how you treat all my folks.”
Tsk? What is this bitch saying? Getting up, I left in a hurry, not before I promised her vengeance.
She kept on rambling but I cut her off by shutting the door.Why is today hell on earth? It’s as if God is scorching me in my own skin.
[After reuniting with the coachman, Menesis continued on her way to the stables where the latest slaves are waiting - unfortunately, the journey was incredibly slow and tedious.]
[Menesis sitting impatiently in the back, looks around the still rowdy townsfolk throwing rubbish at a particular building.]
Great… Now I’m stuck here, ughh.. These people are blocking my way to the stables.
“Coachman, can’t you just whip your ox? Injuring these lowlives won’t hurt, right?” I insisted desperately. It’s just been so long it’s nearly afternoon! Albeit this coachman turned to me with a fervour look in his eyes, he’s gawking straight at me as if this is the first time he’s ever been called an insult, he snarled at me with mild annoyance before turning his back on the road. “Miss, if I may be so bold to ask, what do you Venerers gain from the suffering of others?” Grrr.. I was grinding my teeth intensely without even noticing for a good while. What is this coachman? A labourer with no manners, tsk the world needs less of you. He did give me a thought… a thought that immediately met with antipathy within me. There is… no joy in the suffering masses, but my mother before me has taught that the great exists… Now that I dwelled on it, are we even so great? O-of course! Yes, we most definitely are..!
“There is nothing. You just do not see what all these peasants represent - look around, all of them have no work and yet they think they have the right to complain and rally? They do not even come close to such greatness that the Venerers possess,” I confidently articulated.
“Miss, if you can see the men that sit looking up to strangers so they could get their cups filled with loose change; this is the lives of slaves after people like you are done with them - surely you it takes long but look at the front of the inn. Full of beggars, yes?” He said in such a sorrowful tone, I allowed myself only to this order; looking around the inn’s front again. Several negroes are all sitting, lined up. Within me, I can feel my heart slowly abating… Some of them malnourished beyond recognition. These negroes here… they’re lining up for death. Now that I looked at it again… it’s a horrible sight; it doesn’t bother me but still I’m numb to the feeling but I know it should be horrible, one raised its head and glared at me fiercely, the abysmal way of how they.. Grinded their teeth as if they’d want to maul me. I reared my head back on the coachman. “’s definitely… a horrid sight.” I ushered whilst alluding to my disgust from him - these negroes shouldn’t live a better life than this, though even if they did then I’d be surely surprised…
He accordingly began whipping as complained about the various things around us.
The sky’s now looking all dark, as if it was about to rain cats and dogs; looking around the opposition of people, they seem to break down apart finally.  God, finally, we should be on our way now, albeit as the people who were protesting started to come back, many had these looks in their eyes - it was ambiguous to me but somehow this instance - from the things I’ve seen - I feel bothered by their looks. The looks they had expressed… poverty, they made no contact but somehow it felt as if I’ve known them. My eyes followed them as they slowly passed my carriage until they disappeared in view.
The carriage finally motioned once again and we were on our way to the stables.
[Once the carriage reached the stables, she immediately got off and gestured to the coachman for a wait - to her Menesis, she shouldn’t need to let him do something like this - Menesis believed that white men like him didn’t need a signal, she believed that men like him… should all be beneath her.]

I, who stood erect with a face like a strict mother after having gotten off the carriage, looked at the slaves that awaited me - they were stripped of any clothing, they wore faces as if they were ragged clothing, all of them had distinct faces. Each of them… I couldn’t qualify them being clansmen with a single look.
As I approached them, they looked down; there were 3 of them - one white-skinned, and the other two being negroes - albeit they’re all men, though they were actually analogous, to me they are still the same to me.
“You three! I am the Mistress who has come for you. Pay your respects immediately.” I swiftly announce, it’s almost a tradition… this greeting I do. Today it doesn’t feel as normal as it should. Somehow it all felt intense when what I only did what to say my usual greetings.. No… is it really usual to them? Ugh no, I shouldn’t be thinking of them…
“M-Ma’am… here..” Huh? One of the negroes… he handed a book? It’s entitled ‘November’ and he spoke clearly too, though nervously it gave me… the feeling that my hair stood up.
I glanced at the book and back at him. Now I got to see his face closer. He had an expression filled with serenity, whilst the others? They had nothing to offer. I’ll remember this… but of course I have to wash this… never know what negroes touch each day.
[Menesis, finally having reached home, finally felt at ease. She only has to give a tour around the garden to the three to give them insight of the kind of ‘work’ they’d be doing]
Ah.. well.. Home once again, the bushes? Mhm… they’re finally well-done.
I gestured to the three to follow along whilst happily flaying my arms around, being able to see the sunset in my own garden. Yes, it’s one of the few things I favour in this world; rearing my head to the side, I saw one the ‘clansmen’ asleep on the field. “Hey! Get off the field!! You’re not allowed to have any sleep, not anywhere and especially not on my field.” the impulse came quick, it seemed to draw some attention because the other ‘clansmen’ moved along the fields as well.
I poured my focus back on the tour though…
“Madam… if I may-” Guh?! One of them touched me!!
“Shut it! You have no rights to touch. I’ll put both of you in your graves if you dare damn do the same stunt again!!!” My assertion… was impromptu… no, I didn’t mean to shout like that, at least not right now.
I felt one of them tap my back lightly before that. The two backed away; however, this negroe… who handed me that book he seems unfazed?
“What now…?” My head in a haze, I held it down and just asked.
“Why are you so scared of all the men in this world, Ma’am? Isn’t the world filled with men - does that mean you sleep with an eye open?” Huh..? What a disrespectful twat… you!!
“...and what give you the right to speak like that to your master?! You’re in no place!!” my head was up again and I glared at him - it all felt egregious that I’m being made to look like an idiot. I am not!!!
This idiot…

“Ma’am.. You are no master, at least to me you do not have what it takes. The men who own slaves? You are nothing to them.” This negroe spoke confidently,,, he also had a shift of voice… like a cat who swapped places with a tiger. The elegance he presented in his tone is what made me all the more flabbergasted…
“And you? What are you to greatness like me? To a Venerer?” I could feel the sensation of heat welling up within me… It angered me even more that this negroe is being able to speak with someone like me…

“You’re right!!! I am nothing to them, in fact I am nothing like them! Those hillbilly mean like you… they don’t belong in the same level I’m on!” my heartbeat, I swear, it got rapidly fast; I want to punish the shame he’s giving me at this point, though what good of a Venerer am I if I were damaged by mere words from a negroe..

“Ma’am , I implore you to listen. Your assertions are superficial; the Venerers? I’ve heard much, yes, however, a clan in decline..” grr.. I growled intently - somehow the only thought that existed in my mind… a whipping would do him greatly, yes…!
I looked up once again and ran to the nearest fence and immediately I snatched the whip; going back to the three men, I struck them aggressively… hahahaha… they’re weeping… the sound of them shrivelling on the ground… haha… haha; breathing heavily I looked down on all of them, all of them crying their eyes out. Rebellious types hmm? That won’t get through the gates of Venerer glory - they all need to be ‘purified’.

I noticed myself being numb and cackling to their pained cries and desperate calls for help… though something within me remained.

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