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"Come on Kushina you're doing great just a little more," encouraged Minato Namikaze the Fourth Hokage of Konohagakure, a man who had spiky blonde hair, pearl blue eyes and was wearing cargo pants fitted with a ninja pouch along with a blue vest that had a red spiral on the shoulder as he held the hand of his wife, Kushina Uzumaki, a red haired woman who had a darker shade of blue eyes and was at the moment, in the middle of childbirth. "Fuck you and your small ass dick for doing this to me!" exclaimed Kushina, gripping Minato's hand tighter, causing him to wince a bit.

"Come on Kushina, push," Biwako Sarutobi, one the midwives present and medical personnel present said. "I can see the head, almost there." Eventually, after a lot of curses from Kushina and pushes, a beautiful blonde baby boy with three whisker marks on each of his facial cheeks was out of his mother's womb enveloped in blankets. His cries reverberating throughout the walls of the room he was in.

"He's beautiful," Kushina whispered with a weak smile, beads of sweat forming on her brow. "Can I hold him?" Minato asked as he reached out to touch Naruto. Biwako slapped it away while holding Naruto. "Not as yet, he needs to have a check-up," she stated and began walking towards the exit of the delivery room, with the other medical personnel in tow. Minato turned towards his wife with a huge grin on his face. "Wow,, I can't He's here Kushina, actually here, I'm officially a father." "Okay don't pee yourself," she replied weakly with a hint of amusement in her voice. "But I'm a mother dattebane!" she exclaimed, grinning ear to ear. Her husband sweat-dropped at that.

"I can't wait to-," Minato was about to finish his sentence when another deep, masculine voice cut in. "Greeting Lord Hokage, and congratulations by the way but I don't think we shall be celebrating today." Minato diverted his attention towards one of the window sills of the room they were in and had his eyes wide open in shock. Naruto was being held by a man donning a black cloak, wearing an orange mask with a spiral and only one eye hole for the right eye which was red with three black tomoes, called the Sharingan. He had a kunai to a wailing Naruto's throat.

"Now, hand over the Jinchuuriki." 'Lord Third is not going to be happy about the death of his wife,' Minato thought, as he briefly glanced towards near the exit which lay the corpses of Biwako and the rest of the doctors. 'And how the hell is he so fast and get past the barrier?' Minato wondered as he slowly reached towards his pouch. "Now just calm down," he said with concern written all over his face. "Oh, but I'm perfectly calm, but it's you who seems to be sweating quite a lot Lord Fourth, want a handkerchief?" the masked man mocked.

In an instant Minato pulled out a three pronged kunai with a seal called the Flying Thunder God wrapped around it's handle and he threw it out of a window which the masked man wasn't occupying then, he charged towards said man. The masked man reacted quickly and threw the baby Naruto into the air. "Naruto!" Kushina exclaimed. Minato applied chakra to his legs and in a yellow flash grabbed Naruto before he could hit the ceiling and teleported out of the room into the night outside where he threw the kunai. Just then the small wooden building he was just in exploded, left as debris, rubble and smoke. 'Kushina!' he thought frantically. 'I have to find her.'

He once again teleported to another one of those three pronged kunai inside of a mansion, his mansion, where he entered a room and placed the now sleeping Naruto on one of the beds. He then began to sense a large mass of chakra which he could only guess was the Kyuubi, which was supposed to be sealed in his wife. 'I'm going to have to act quick.' he thought. "I'll be back for you," Minato said facing Naruto then jumped out of the mansion through a window, and began rushing towards the large chakra signature making his way through the peaceful streets of the village Konohagakure , one of the five greatest villages in the Elemental Nations, the other four being Kumogakure from the Land of Lightning, Iwagakure from the Land of Earth, Kirikagakure from the Land of Mist and Sunagakure from the Land of Wind Konoha being from the Land of Fire. Right now it was about to meet it's worse night in history.

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