Chapter 6

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Naruto's eyes fluttered open. The sun hadn't even risen yet which meant he had some time to train. He attempted to get up when he felt a weight on his bare chest causing him to look down. To his surprise he was met with the sight of Satsuki peacefully sleeping with her head on his chest and arms wrapped around his midsection. Naruto couldn't help but blush and admire how beautiful she looked with her short raven hair in a mess. It was everywhere on her face and his chest. He honestly loved the feeling of her warmth on his body.

Kurama was snickering to himself inside the seal but cut the mental connection between him and Naruto (yes they can do that) not wanting to ruin the moment.

'What should I do?' Naruto thought. He wanted to train but didn't want it to end. It was just so peaceful as he continued to stare at her porcelain skin and short raven hair in a mess. Then he remembered Mikoto, his promises to her, then Itachi.

'No, I can't stop, not now,' determination burning within Naruto. He gently unwrapped Satsuki's arms from his waist and rested her head on the bed. Afterwards he changed into a black T shirt and trousers then Body Flickered to the Forest of Death. 'I will protect her and bring her revenge,' Naruto swore to himself as he made some shadow clones.


The beam of light that made her way into her room and somehow onto her face woke Satsuki up from her peaceful slumber. She was disappointed at the fact that Naruto wasn't in bed with her. 'He probably went to train,' she reasoned. 'Without me! Damn him! You know what I'm not making any ramen for breakfast,' she thought angrily burying her face in a pillow.

She then sighed and got out of bed. 'Nah it's unhealthy anyways.'


Naruto sat down in class feeling depressed with his head down. Satsuki didn't cook ramen for breakfast and just said it's unhealthy. They were ninja for Kami's sake. A little cholesterol wouldn't kill them.

Satsuki however was mad that he didn't invite her train. Hinata was looking between the both of them recognising some kind of tension but didn't question it, not after getting her ass handed to her yesterday.

As for the other members of the class, they were nervous on who would be their sensei.

Iruka Umino finally walked in and was surprised nobody was talking. "Okay class today I will finally be announcing who your jonin sensei will be, let's begin," he said.

Naruto zoned out until he heard his team. " seven your Jonin sensei will be Kakashi Hatake. Team 8 Kurenai Yuhi and finally Team 10 Asuma Sarutobi."

With that Iruka gave a speech about how he was going to miss them and they were his greatest students then left, and the excited chattering began. "Hey you notice Mizuki isn't around?" one boy asked. "Yeah I wonder what happened?" a girl replied, and speculation began on what happened to Mizuki until Kiba cut in. "He's dead." This immediately silenced everybody and even Satsuki and Hinata were interested while Naruto raised his eyebrow.

"What do you mean Kiba?" the stout boy named Choji asked. "He was killed yesterday," Kiba said staring at his knees. "By who?" this question was asked by Sakura. Kiba looked up and then pointed an accusing finger at Naruto. "By Naruto!" he exclaimed scowling.

Naruto did not react at all but this caused an uproar in the class. Some laughed and some gossiped. "You can't be serious right?" Ino asked. Kiba shook his head and shouted, "He murdered Mizuki I saw his body he really is a demon like my parents said."

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