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Days passed, and Chiquita's health gradually returned to its vibrant state. The seven members of Baby Monster resumed their rigorous training, working towards their shared dream of becoming successful artists. However, amidst the dedication and hard work, a new challenge emerged for Ahyeon.

One afternoon, during a break from their training, Ahyeon walked into the practice room to find Chiquita engaged in a weird position with Pharita. Their laughter filled the air, and they seemed to share an easy camaraderie. A pang of jealousy tugged at Ahyeon's heart.

 A pang of jealousy tugged at Ahyeon's heart

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Sensing Ahyeon's discomfort, Chiquita's eyes shifted toward her, and she excused herself from the conversation with Pharita

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Sensing Ahyeon's discomfort, Chiquita's eyes shifted toward her, and she excused herself from the conversation with Pharita. Walking over to Ahyeon, she wore an apologetic expression.

"Ahyeon, I'm sorry if I made you feel jealous," Chiquita said softly, her eyes filled with genuine concern. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. You know you're the one I care about the most."

Ahyeon tried to mask her feelings, offering a reassuring smile. "It's fine, Chiquita. I trust you. It's just... sometimes I can't help but feel a little jealous when you're close to others."

Chiquita reached out, gently grasping Ahyeon's hand. "I understand, and I'm sorry for any worry I may have caused you. You're the one who has been there for me from the beginning, and nothing will change that."

Ahyeon's tension eased at Chiquita's words, her heart warming to the sincerity in her voice. "Thank you, Chiquita. Your words mean a lot to me."

Chiquita's lips curved into a mischievous smile. "You know, they say a kiss has healing powers. Maybe it can make you feel better too."

Ahyeon's eyes widened in surprise, but a playful glint danced in her gaze. "Is that so? Well, I wouldn't mind putting that theory to the test."

With a burst of laughter, Chiquita leaned in, her lips gently meeting Ahyeon's in a sweet, reassuring kiss. It was a tender moment of connection, a reminder of the love they shared and their ability to overcome any obstacle together.

As they pulled away, Ahyeon's heart fluttered, and she couldn't help but smile. "You're right, Chiquita. That did make me feel better."

Chiquita intertwined her fingers with Ahyeon's, her voice filled with sincerity. "Let's always remember to communicate and address any concerns that arise. Our love is strong, and together, we can navigate any challenges that come our way."

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