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The room fell silent as their manager's words hung in the air. A mixture of shock, joy, and disbelief washed over the members of Baby Monster. The final lineup was about to be announced, and no one knew what to expect. But when the manager revealed the unexpected decision, tears of happiness streamed down their faces.

Ahyeon, Chiquita, Ruka, Haram, and Pharita—all of them had anticipated this moment, their hearts filled with hope and dreams. But the announcement surpassed their wildest expectations. The inclusion of Rora and Asa, completing the group of seven, was a revelation that filled their hearts with overwhelming joy.

Rora couldn't contain her emotions, her tears flowing freely. Asa, her friend, wrapped her arms around Rora in a tight embrace, tears of joy streaming down her face as well. They had journeyed together, supporting each other through every obstacle, and now their dreams were being realized.

Chiquita clung tightly to Ahyeon, tears of happiness mingling with her joyful smile. Their love had become a guiding light, and now it would shine brightly on the stage, uniting them as they pursued their dreams as a complete group.

Haram and Pharita, wiping away their tears, exchanged a knowing glance. Their bond had grown unbreakable over the years, and they couldn't be happier to share this moment with their dear friends and fellow members. Their journey together had led them to this point, and they were ready to conquer the world as a united force.

Their manager, witnessing the emotional outpouring, smiled warmly. "Your talent, dedication, and the love you share have moved us all. Baby Monster is not just a group of individuals—it's a family. And it is with great joy that I announce the debut of all seven of you."

The room erupted in cheers and applause, their voices blending into a symphony of celebration. They hugged each other tightly, their hearts filled with gratitude and excitement for the journey that lay ahead. Dreams that once seemed impossible were now within their grasp.

From that moment forward, Baby Monster embarked on a new chapter of their lives. They would face challenges, work tirelessly, and pour their hearts into their music, all while cherishing the unbreakable bond they shared.

As they stood on the precipice of their debut, the tears that flowed were not just tears of happiness but also tears of gratitude. They were grateful for the opportunities that awaited them, grateful for the love and support of their fellow members, and grateful for the chance to fulfill their dreams together.

With each step they took, their hearts beat in unison, a testament to the unwavering friendship and love that bound them. Their journey had brought them to this point, and they were ready to share their voices, talents, and dreams with the world.

And so, Baby Monster embarked on their debut with hearts full of gratitude, love, and unity. They would create music that resonated with people's souls, touched their hearts, and brought them joy. As they took their first steps into the spotlight, their dreams became reality, and the world would soon witness the remarkable journey of Baby Monster—a group that defied expectations, embraced love, and celebrated the power of dreams fulfilled.

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