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They returned from a standard case of finding a killer who had been hopping state lines to avoid being caught. The flight back to Quantico was short, and the killer had been captured before he could hurt another woman, so the team decided that a Friday night trip to a bar was a great way to celebrate.

Prentiss knocked on the door to Hotch's office, knowing it was likely that the man was still wrapping up paperwork and would politely decline the group's invitation for drinks. What she didn't expect was Aaron Hotchner to open the door right away, the briefcase all packed up instead of being at his desk.

"Oh," she kept her surprise from showing, "we were wondering if you wanted to go out for drinks tonight- Rossi's buying."

"What was that?" The older agent looked up from others' desks where he waited, and the rest of the team laughed at his reaction.

"I would love to, but I told a friend I'd help them unpack their moving van tonight."

"Just you? 'Cause I can tag along if you need help," Morgan stated, bringing his arm up and flexing, making Penelope burst out laughing.

"I could bring a bottle of wine or two," Rossi suggested, but Hotchner shook his head, smiling.

"No, it's ok. We're not going to try and empty the whole thing tonight, but maybe another day, you can help, if she's ok with it."

"She?" Penelope and JJ asked at the same time and looked at each other.

"Yes, she," He quirked an eyebrow at his team, knowing his answer only increased their curiosity.

"Well, does 'she' have a name?" Morgan asked, "really, I feel like I have all the energy in the world right now."

"I'll call her, but really, you don't want to be meeting any other women tonight?" He joked back, surprising the others as he stepped aside, dialing the number he had memorized and called multiple times in the last few months.

"This baby girl," Morgan wrapped his arm around Penelope, "is all I need."

Penelope and the others laughed, and they all continued to banter, making Hotch smile, knowing the moments when everyone was in high spirits after a case was a rare one. It was worth a shot.

Hotchner returned to the group after the short call.

"She said yes, you all can join if you want to help- and Rossi, bring the wine- but you don't even know who this friend is yet..."

"Even I," Penelope started, "the all-knowing tech-goddess of the BAU, and not a profiler, can tell who it is."

Hotchner smiled, knowing that was the reason why everyone could tell. He had been smiling more after cases, after certain phone calls, and almost for a whole week when he got the news of her move.

Prentiss softly elbowed his arm, giving him a knowing smile.

"It's Lynn."

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