Chapter 5- Wake Up Call

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The rest of my night was full of the forensic workers taking pictures of my living room, the broken window and of the tire tracks outside my house, trying to learn something about the make of the car that had raced away last night. I mentally kicked myself for not thinking clearly enough to make out the car, driver, or anything that would help me recognize it.

            I decided not to call the visiting FBI agents about it. It still was early in the morning, and they needed their rest to work on the rest of the case. The case that I was personally connected with now, and the unsub, or whatever they called the suspect, somehow knew where I lived- not a comforting thought.

            My phone rang and I looked at the screen. Why was Kevin calling me this early? I opened his call, worry already seeping into my mind.

            "Kevin? Is something wrong? It's 5 am-"

            "I know, but something's happened hasn't it?"

            I paused; "-how do you know?"

            "Someone just ditched my door after dropping a package on the steps. They rang the doorbell like five times, waking up Paul too."

            "Please tell me you didn't open it?"

            "Was I not supposed to?"

            I sighed and shook my head.

            "What was it?"

            "A note."

            I looked at the rock still laying on my floor, the note still taped to it.

            "It said you found Jenny. Is she... alright?"

            Why would the unsub contact Kevin and I about it? I guessed I would have to wake up the team after all.

            "You have to tell me the exact wording."

            "If just says They found Jenny."

            "Kevin, can you please come to the station with the package and note? We need to examine it for prints. And bring Paul, I want to know that both of you are safe right now."

            "Are you in the middle of something dangerous? What's the note mean?"

            "Kevin, please, I'll explain once you get there, ok?"

            After a long pause, he agreed then hung up, leaving me alone in the house. Needing air after the small scare Kevin's call had given me, I went outside and sat on the steps to my door.

            I pushed the number for Agent Hotchner's number on speed dial and waited for him to pick up.

            "Lynn...? Is everything ok?" His voice sounded tired, as if my call had woken him up.

            "I'm sorry to call and wake you, but I think the unsub came to my house last night."

            "What? How can you be sure?"

"He threw a rock through my window with a note on it about Jenny. I haven't told anyone about her, so it must've been him, right? He gave almost the same note to Kevin and he knows where we both live and-"

            "Lynn." His voice stopped me, and only then did I notice I was rambling.

            "Are you and Kevin ok? He threw a rock in your window?" He sounded much more awake then.

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