Nice To Meet You! - Prologue

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     This isn't gonna go well.

     For context, I'm having a casual day, and- Oh? Names? Well then, my name is Kristin Clover. It's a silly name, then again all of us have silly names like that nowadays. My friends call me Kris for short though, or, well- I don't have many friends, just people I know. We never hang out so I can't really consider anyone as a friends. I'm fine with that though, everyone at this damn highschool is fake. Except for the rare one percent who actually care about others. That's the scary part, though, because I had just bumped into someone, and don't know if they are a part of that one percent.

     I'm a big guy, I have the muscles and tall height. Not to mention I have the messy hair. It's light brown and fluffy with some curls in it, so with all these facts you'd think I'm pretty intimidating. But no. I'm a nervous wreck around people and I never know how to start a conversation, or what people like to call: a gentle giant even though I talk shit in my head. Or an introvert. Whichever one, it doesn't matter, because I just bumped into someone and I really don't want to deal with any conversations.

     "Oh! Sorry!" A feminine voice is heard.


     "Oh, no, it's fine. I bumped into you, no need to apologize," I mumble with an awkward smile, looking down at who I had bumped into. They're a girl who has really poofy, thick, dark brown hair that's tied into a ponytail, dare I say poofier than whatever I have going on. She is quite short, rosy cheeks, a slightly tanner skin tone but not too tan, and she has those.. big ol'.. blue eyeballs. Something about them radiates just an immediate happy aura, its easy to tell she is a freshman from how happy she is.

     "If you say so.. uh.. what's your name?" She asks awkwardly with that same childish smile on her face.
     "Kristin Clover, non-existent friends call me Kris." I say with a slightly upbeat yet chill tone. Why am I so upbeat? It's like this little lady just radiates positive energy, it would he sickening to our principle's dry personality. The little lady then speaks up.

     "That's a nice name for a big guy like you! My name's Mai Anata! I'm a freshman, got moved to this school recently!" She introduces herself happily, keeping that childish smile. I don't clearly hear her name, it's kind of said quick so I'm going to guess its Mi-nata or something. I also want to say it was obvious she's a freshman from both her height and her happiness but I guess I'll play nice for now, she seems like that one percent of nice people.

     "..That's cool," I mumble awkwardly, "school day's over though, so maybe I'll see ya another time." Honestly, I doubt I will. I'm a sophomore and in this highschool, classes are separated by their grade level. Its quite a big school, an A school, so it's actually got pretty good lunch good compared to the middle schools.
     "Maybe, Kris! Well, I'll be going now!" Mai smiles again before walking out a different doorway that leads to freedom, AKA outside. I simply nod my head before heading out the other way. Since we talked for a moment, just introducing ourselves, the hallways cleared up a little so I'm thankful for that.


     I make it to my apartment complex as I sigh in relief. It's just me and my mom, and she's a busy little lady with a giant son so I never see her that much, and when I do, she's always the sweetest. I'm a momma's boy, but that's all I can really be when I don't got no daddy. I open the door to the apartment complex and wave at the front desk lady, then heading up the elevator to Floor 3.

     I walk down the long hallway for a little, looking around before stopping dead in my tracks as I look ahead. Is that..? Oh no.
     "Oh! Hey, Kristin!" The poofy dark brown haired girl speaks up as she waves, stopping herself from opening the apartment door she was about to enter, which I can assume is hers. What's her name again? Mary was it? I remember it being short.
     "..Hi." I say in a slight monotone voice as I slowly start to walk again. Damn it, whats her name?
     "So, we're in the same apartment complex, that's convenient!" The little lady smiles before she motions for me to head on over to her.
     "Ooh! How about you hang out for a bit!" ..Hang out? That's a word I haven't heard from someone in a long time. Momma most likely wasn't going to be home today so I nod my head, heading towards her. However, its like the closer I got to her the more I realize: it's either I'm really tall or she's really short because she's up to my chest. She's really short for a 14-15 year old, or atleast I think she's that old since most freshmen are that old.

     "My brother isn't home right now so it's fine! He's probably out doing homework at the nearby Barns N' Noble." She smiles, opening her apartment door. ..Brother? Oh boy, I hope I don't get in trouble since she's a girl and I'm a boy and we all know how those stories go on either protective or teasing older brothers. Then, it hits me, she didn't mention parents. And her brother is still in school, doing homework? Yeesh, this must be a busy family.. if there even is one, that is. But we only know eachother's names, or atleast- she knows mine, I'm still trying to remember hers, so I probably shouldn't pry in.
     "Does your brother go to our school?" I ask with a curious tone, following her inside as she nods her head, humming a 'mhm'.
     "He's a sophomore, but he's one of those older looking ones so many people think he's in his senior years!"
     "A sophomore? So he's in the same year as me? I might know him, then."
     The little lady's eyes slightly widen as she walks into the apartment, she looks a little suprised but at the same time her big ol' blue eyes light up.

     "Well then, if you stay long enough to meet him, then maybe he'll be easier to get along with!" She just keeps smiling, I don't know how she does it. It's never ending, permanently stuck on her face. Although, she makes 'getting along with him' sound like a challenge. I wouldn't be suprised, most of the guys at the highschool are hard to even sit near because of their loud insults towards people minding their own business and their extra loud laughs. They make every single party they host every weekend a big deal when it's the same each time, so annoying. Hopefully her brother isn't one of those guys.. I snap out of my thoughts of the jerk guys as I hear the little lady speak up.

     "Well, as the young yet responsible Mai Anata, I shall treat you kindly and offer you a beverage!" She puts her hands on her hips dramatically, standing infront of the doorway to her apartment. I literally can't even walk in, but hey, atleast I got out her name again after forgetting it. I chuckle, looking down at her.
     "Well then, Mai Anata, I would like water, and its nice to meet you!", I smile as her eyes light up at me just requesting water. She's just a ball of sunshine, I have a feeling we will be great friends by the end of this hangout.

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