◇Chapter Twenty-Five◇

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It had been five months since I found out I was pregnant and my morning sickness had only gotten worse. I groaned as I clutched the toilet. Ugh, I feel miserable. I groaned slightly. Standing up he flushed the toilet. Once up I walked out of the bathroom to see Dante and Damien playing with their twins Willow and Destiny who were now five months old and were doing the most basic of things like squeaking and cooing. Hey, Dante how are the twins? I hummed. Oh, they're doing just fine they've just figured out that they have feet so now they suck on them. Damien laughed. Ahh, I see. I hummed while rubbing my slightly showing belly. Smiling I walked over to the sofa and sat down. Once sitting down I grabbed the remote and turned on the Tv changing the channel to Animal Planet. Sighing I grabbed my marshmallows dipped in mustard and began to pop them into my mouth one by one. Just then Demetri and Gwdonis walked into the living room carrying a bag of potato chips and a bowl of ice cream. Here darling, the ice cream and chips you asked for this morning. Gwdonis hummed while patting me on my head. Thanks, dear. I hummed back. Taking the chips and ice cream from my mates he began to slowly chow down on them fueling the pups that were growing inside my womb. Just then a sudden urge to puke washed over him and he bolted up and ran to the trash can in the corner of the room. Ugh, I hate morning sickness. I complained to my lovers as they rubbed his back. Shhh It's okay fluffy we've got you. Both Gwdonis and demetri hummed. Once I finished puking in the trash can I sat back down on the sofa and resumed watching Tv. A knock at the door caught everyone's attention. I'll get it! Gwdonis hummed. Gwdonis walked over to the door and opened it peeking outside to see who it was. Standing there were two demons and a wendigo holding two very cute-looking pups. Who is it dear? I hummed. Uh, it appears to be a wendigo with two pups and what I assume is their dads as well. Gwdonis hummed. Omv It's my Laèli Sèwani, what are you doing let him in! I snapped. Okay geez, calm down dear. Gwdonis muttered. Opening the door he let Misae Callum and Kate step inside. Hello Dalton how are you doing today? Kate hummed. I'm doing fine how about you? I've been doing fine sleepy though. Kate hummed. That's good now bring those Lílí laèli's over to me! I squealed. Misae giggled and carried Noelle and Nevis over to their uncle. Placing them into his arms he cooed and tickled their bellies causing them to squeal with delight. Who are good lílí laèli's! You are! I cooed. Nevis and Noelle squealed at their uncle's touch causing them to kick their feet. Smiling he sat the twins down and let them explore while he and his brother caught up. So how are you doing today Misae? Dalton hummed. I've been fine, the twins just started to walk so they're getting into everything. Misae laughed. Ahh, I see. I hummed I glanced over to see that Willow and Destiny were sitting in their jumpers while Dante and Damien snuck upstairs to have a little fun. Smiling Misae looked at the cambion twins. Omv look at them! They're soo cute! Misae squealed as he walked over to them. Those are Dante's Laèli's they're five months old. Your pups had just turned six months old when they were born. I hummed. Ahh, I see. Misae hummed. Misae looked over to his twins who were attempting to play with Dante's twins. Awe would you look at them they're already friends! I cooed as Nevis started to bat at one of the little bobbles on Willow's jumper. Gwdonis smiled and winked at Dalton as if to say "Are you going to tell them or not?" Oh, Misae I have something to tell you. I said with a grin. Hmm, what is it? Misae hummed. I'm having a baby! I cheered. Both Callum and Kate spat out their soda and looked at me with a surprised look while Misae looked like he was about to cry tears of joy. Congrats Sèwani! I'm so happy for you! Misae cried while hugging me. Awe thanks, little brother. I hummed. Once the hug finished he sat back on the sofa while Demetri and Gwdonis fixed dinner for the evening. Hey, how does steak sound? Gwdonis hummed. That sounds wonderful! Everyone in the room cheered in unison. Good cause I can make some killer steak. Gwdonis laughed. Smiling Gwdonis got straight to work on cooking dinner for the family Demetri helped as well. Once everything was done, Demetri Dante Damien Dalton Gwdonis and everyone else sat down at the table and began to eat. Dante looked at Misae who was slicing up his steak and taking small bites while Callum and Kate fed their boys as well. So Dalton this is your brother? Damien asked with a slight hum. Mhm. Dalton nodded. Hi, I'm Damien and this is my mate Dante. Damien introduced. Hello, nice to meat you! Misae giggled. Seriously Misae what is it with the food puns? Callum hummed while eating his steak. Oh come on Callum you really need to melon out! Misae giggled. I also loaf you as well too. Ahhh stop it with the food puns! Callum groaned. I loaf you as well sèwani. Agh stop it, please. Callum groaned. Fine, I'll stop. Misae groaned. Thank you. Callum hummed. After that, they resumed eating dinner an occasional squeak of a chair would be heard now and then again and Misae would hum to himself and talk to his pups. After an hour everyone had finished dinner and Gwdonis had gathered up all the dishes. Waving my brother and his mates goodbye I trudged upstairs to the bedroom I shared with my mate and collapsed onto the bed promptly passing the fuck out.

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