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As the sun shone through the window onto Dongju and Chisuke playing the tiny cat scurried away from its light causing Dongju to chuckle. He used his hands to shield himself from the light before using his other to usher Chisuke closer. "It's o-o-okay Chisuke the light can't act-actually hurt you. See."

He let the light embrace him before lying on his carpet watching and watching as Chisuke began jumping across the line where the light no longer hit. Dongju chuckled as she jumped onto him and sat on his chest using her paws to try and collect the light. Swiftly he picked her up and sat up earning a shocked noise from her.

It was only an hour or so later when his mother came in to tell her youngest son that he needed to come down for breakfast only to see a strangely coloured carnivorous cat with tusks hanging onto his arm. She screamed as she saw the creature and Dongju panicked. He probably should've told his mum before bringing home a death cat.

"M-mum calm down Chisuke's fr-fr-friendly." She watched in horror as the cat like creature dug its claws into Dongju's shirt and climbed up his arms to rest on his shoulder.

"You named that thing!"

It was now just about the right time for Dongmyeon to enter and when he did, he took one look at Chisuke before squealing. "It's adorable! Mum can we keep it! Please!" He ran up to where Dongju stood before giving Chisuke a scratch much to her delight. "It's like a tiny, colourful sabretooth-tiger."

The boys both gave their mother puppy eyes before she hesitantly reached out to hold Chisuke. When her hands were close enough the Macawnivore practically jumped into them causing her to shriek but when she saw the look on the tiny death cat's face she cooed.

"Fine we can keep her. With the condition that she's Dongju's responsibility and if Dongmyeon wants to help that's up to him." The two boys high fived as their mother couldn't help but let the Macawnivore snuggled into her arms. "Now come for breakfast and Dongju you're going to have to make something for this little guy."

Carefully she placed Chisuke back into Dongju's arms and dragged both herself and Dongmyeon out of the room. He laughed as Dongmyeon started whining and put Chisuke back on the floor so she could follow them.

"B-bye my Mum take care of Chi-Chisuke for me!" He earned a thumbs up from his mother as he shut the door, the last thing that he saw being his own mother building a pillow fort for the tiny parrot coloured cat.

Dongmyeon swung a hand over Dongju's shoulder with a smile. "You know...Seungmin was extremely worried about you going home sick yesterday."

"He was?" Dongju asked with a little bit more excitement than he probably should've shown but Dongmyeon didn't seem to notice.

"Oh yes, very worried. In fact," Dongmyeon pulled out his phone to show a few messages from the puppy like boy. "He had to text me because he was so scared for you but couldn't bring himself to ask you just in case, he sounded clingy." Dongju slowly plucked the phone out of Dongmyeon's grasp before reading the texts.

That Puppy Dude Ju Likes

That Puppy Dude Ju Likes
Hey Dongmyeon
Do you know what happened to Ju I swear I saw him on the bus but I couldn't find him for the rest of the day
Did something happen to him
His friends wouldn't say
Is he alright

Yeah he's fien
Just felt a bit sick in science this morning
I'd get him to text you but he's sleeping and that's a rare enough occurrence as it is

That Puppy Dude Ju Likes
He doesn't usually sleep?

No he does
Just not for that long and once he wakes up he can't go back to sheep for the rest of the dya

That Puppy Dude Ju Likes

Oh I didn't even notice that

That Puppy Dude Ju Likes
I figured
Anyway when he wakes up can you tell him to text me

Why don't you just ask him yousef

That Puppy Dude Ju Likes
I don't want to sound clingy I mean we haven't really gone out together that much and it might sound weird if I just start questioning him all of a sudden.

Fine fine I'll ask him

That Puppy Dude Ju Likes
Thank you

Dongju handed Dongmyeon his phone as they said under the shelter of the bus stop. Why didn't his friends just tell Seungmin what happened? "You d-d-do real-realize you never t-to-told me to text him."

"Now that you mention it, I do." He paused for a little bit before smiling at Dongju. "Hey, Seungmin's, worried about, you mind just texting him, so he knows you're not dead."

"W-Well, it's a little la-late now!"

Dongmyeon just shrugged before watching the bus pull up in front of them and standing up to get on. "I mean it's always better to just talk to them in person you know?"

Dongju sighed at his twin before following him onto the bus and looking around for an empty seat. Once he found one, he began to walk near it before he was called by a familiar voice. He looked over to find a hand belonging to the boy he had just been talking to Dongmyeon about motioning him over.

The bus jolted forwards causing Dongju to trip a little, but he continued his journey to where the boy sat. As he sat down, he was met with the taller's worried grey eyes. "Hey, are you feeling, okay? Dongmyeon said you went home sick yesterday, and I was a little worried when you didn't text me after I told him to get you to do so."

"Y-yeah...uh sorry about that...D-Dongmyeon never actually told me u-until morning. Today-day morning." Seungmin nodded showing him he understood before intertwining their hands causing Dongju to smile a little.

The bus trip was filled with little giggles from both of them as they happily spoke with each other about little things that just popped into their minds as they went. Seungmin's friends were caught fanboying over the two as well as recording every now and then to send the evidence to Dongju's friend group.

As they exited the bus Seungmin grabbed his hand again and pulled him closer towards his body. Dongju giggled as they swung their arms back and forth ignoring the taller's friends practically squealing and desperately trying to find where Dongju's were.

They entered the main building only to be met with the bell causing the puppy like boy to pout. "I guess I'll see you later then Ju." Dongju just nodded preparing to walk off before Seungmin placed a quick kiss on his cheek and ran off.

"What did I just witness?" He looked over to see Ryujin there with a shocked expression and he couldn't help but laugh once she started raising her eyebrows up and down at him. "Ahh, young love...we can talk about it later we've got Indonesian now plus Hwanwoong and San are getting us seats."

He nodded before Ryujin grabbed his arm and dragged him across the campus until they were met with their desired classroom. Once they entered, they were met with an almost empty classroom except for the two familiar faces of San and Hwanwoong. "Where is e-ever-everybody?"

The two just shrugged as the other's took the seats on the other side of their desk. Written on the board were a few words. "Please complete all the necessary work that I set last week for today. Your substitute should be here a little after you arrive, please just start your work if they are not there."

That's when Dongju realized, they had been given a substitute teacher since the usual teacher had a funeral today. "My bet is everyone else took one look at that and went 'free period'!" Hwanwoong scoffed as he pulled out his book, everyone else later mimicking his actions. "At least we don't have to deal with racist slurs and people making fun of the culture now."

It was no secret that most people completely despised Indonesian. They whined about how they got such a language when they were other ones like French and Spanish. Honestly if Dongju wouldn't get in trouble he would've started a fight with each and every one of the students in that class except for his friends of course.

The door opened with a squeak and revealed a familiar teacher. "Sorry about that class, it turns out I was booked in as a substitute of two language classes, but it seems as though only two students actually went..." His voice trailed off when he saw that the classroom only consisted of the four friends and sighed. "To all the people who actually showed up, I will make sure you get some sort of prize by the end of the week and to everyone else who didn't will most definitely have a detention."

He motioned for the two students to come in and the group smiled when they saw Yeosang and Keonhee. "I assume you know what you are doing if you need any help, I'll probably be useless but feel free to ask anyway." With that the teacher sat at the desk and began pulling out his stuff to do his own work while the two boys walked towards the rest of their friend group.

"Who is that teacher and why has Keonhee been blushing so much around him?" Yeosang whisper shouted once they sat down. Everyone besides Keonhee and Dongju shrugged as they had never seen his face before, but Dongju leaned down with a smirk.

"You remember that n-new science teacher we wer-were talking about on M-Monday."

"The one that Keonhee's in love with?" Ryujin gasped finally getting the picture after San asked the question.

"Is that him...Mr. Lee or something..." Dongju nodded as they all turned to a blushing Keonhee who had resulted to burring his face in Hwanwoong's shoulder as they began throwing questions at him. Dongju just chuckled at his friends before opening his book to begin his work.

"I want you guys to write me a list of as many things you can name in this room. These are your requirements. Please try your hardest to find as many things as possible and whoever writes down the most things will earn a prize." Dongju's eyes flickered to the board where she had written a list of requirements for the things they needed to find before he began written them down.

He turned back a page to find the exact same list written down on his paper. "1. Something made of wood." Just as he was about to write the words down the sound of a seat sliding against the floor filled his ears and he flinched only to find Yeosang staring at him.

The boy pouted a little before sliding his book towards the younger and waited for a response. "I-I don-don't know...French." He let out a huff before resting his head on the table. Their teacher had not been so nice with the work and wanted them to write full paragraphs about themselves.

Ryujin's voice cut off his however, as she gasped. "Now before I forget to say, I just remembered what I saw in the hallway this morning." Now it was Dongju's turn to blush as he tried to hide himself in his blazer.

"Ooh, tell me tell me!" Hwanwoong was a little louder than everyone else and that seemed to catch Mr. Lee's attention but nobody else seemed to have noticed.

"So, I'm just walking around trying to get to Indonesian class when all of a sudden, I see the Kim Seungmin kiss my Son Dongju, on the cheek. We're making progress guys round of applause for our sweet child."

"I'm older than you."

"Shush child!"

Small clapping noises were heard from the back, and they all turned to see Mr. Lee clapping towards the blond boy. He began twiddling with his fingers as he realized the teacher had heard what Ryujin had said. "Don't I get a thank you Dongju? I mean I did let you go after school."

"Th-thanks sir." He mumbled as he avoided the smiling teacher's gaze.

"That was the best Indonesian class I've ever been to!" San laughed as he high fived Hwanwoong at the lunch table. "No other students, chill teacher that Keonhee may or may not have a thing for and we got all the school gossip."

"I know I can't believe Miss Park and Miss Manoban are secretly a thing." Ryujin paused for a second before remembering how giddy her history teacher gets whenever Miss Manoban is mentioned. "Scratch that, I can't believe I never noticed."

Mr. Lee had practically dragged himself into a whole hour of gossip as he told them all about the staff news and they told him all about the students. "Okay but like I told you the janitor had a thing for Miss Oamas." Keonhee laughed as he remembered his past science teacher.

Yeosang went to join in on the conversation but before he could his phone buzzed in his pocket. He internally squealed as he watched the video that had been sent to him and San looked over to watch as well. The two fanboyed over the video before Hwanwoong snatched the phone off of them and took a look at what they were watching.

His eyes widened as he looked at Dongju, but whether they widened with shock from excitement or displeasure was hard to tell. "So, are you two a thing or not?" Dongju looked over at him confusedly before Hwanwoong passed him the phone.

He clicked play and Ryujin and Keonhee couldn't help but leaned over the blond boy's shoulders to look at what he was watching. Playing on the small screen was a video of him and Seungmin cuddling up to each other and laughing on the bus. Ryujin cooed as she saw the pure happiness in the boy's eyes and began teasing him about it. Keonhee on the other hand sat there with a stupidly cute and shocked look on his face.

Dongju blushed as he looked away from the other's only to be met with a pair of silver eyes staring straight at him. The owner of the eyes smiled and waved as Dongju shyly repeated the actions. Ryujin had noticed what was happening by now and couldn't help go into fangirl mode.

The boy went to walk over to Dongju but was called over by a teacher. He looked over apologetically to Dongju before preparing to go towards the teacher. However, before he did, he stopped himself blew a kiss over to an internally panicking Dongju.

Once he left Ryujin went to speak but was interrupted by the bell. Dongju went to steal a quick glance at his timetable but didn't need to after Keonhee began celebrating.


Dongju scoffed as Keonhee ripped out a page from his book and wrote something inside of it. He wanted to see what words he had written but before he could process a single letter the boy handed him the pen and folded the page. He didn't make it into a crane this time but instead he had pressed down the paper to create a perfect little lotus flower.

The younger took a moment to admire it's beauty before Keonhee quickly placed it onto the teacher's desk and smiled. "I got bored of making cranes." Dongju rolled his eyes as the elder happily hummed and stared at the door awaiting a certain teacher's arrival.

It was a few minutes before he actually did and Keonhee practically melted into his chair once the teacher's eyes landed on him. "You're whipped." Was all Dongju said before bending down to pull out his science book from his bag.

"No class today, you are free to go home."

The class erupted into celebratory squeals as Keonhee sat there in sadness. Mr. Lee watched as students packed their bags and ran out the door. He kept an eye on the two boy's sitting out the front and picked up a small paper lotus flower from his desk. A smile crept onto his face as he admired the beauty of it.

"Lee Keonhee and Son Dongju can you stay back for a minute." The two boy's looked at each other before walking up to the teacher who calmly smiled in their direction. "First of all, thank you both for being some of the only students who attended first period this morning. The only reason I'm currently holding you back is because everyone who left had the class and didn't go so, we're sending them to detention. Second of all I need you two to complete a job for me."

Dongju tilted his head in confusion as Keonhee looked at his favourite teacher in shock. "Why are you bringing him into this?"

"It was going to be sooner or later Keonhee."

"Then leave it till later!"

"You know I don't have that type of power."

Dongju looked between the two in fear as they yelled at each other. "What are they talking about?"

"I won't let you include him in this. He's..." Keonhee took a moment to process his next words before sighing, "he's only human."

"I don't have a choice Keonhee and neither do you." The blue haired looked at him in fury before finally letting it slip.

He pushed the elder back into the wall and pulled Dongju behind him as the younger looked at them both in shock. "Seoho I can't!"

"S-Seoho?" The name sounded so foreign on his on tongue but when Keonhee said it he swore he had heard it before. Keonhee's eyes darkened as he gripped onto Dongju's arms protectively.

"Keonhee when will you learn? You've seen this happen before!"

"And look how that ended!"

Seoho sighed as he tried to reach out for Keonhee only for the boy to push himself away. "You know he can't end up with that mutt."

The light in Keonhee's eyes flickered on and off as he looked over to Dongju. "I know...but he doesn't." Seoho sighed as he understood Keonhee's point, Dongju didn't know. The boy didn't even know what the hell they were talking about. "Run."


The blue haired turned to the man who still kept his back against the wall. He hadn't heard what Keonhee had whispered to Dongju and stared at the two in confusion. "You heard me." Dongju took one look at the serious look on Keonhee's face and booked it.

Seoho must've realised what was going on as he tried to reach out for Dongju only to be tackled by Keonhee. "Keonhee let me go! You know it'll happen sooner or later!"

"Let's save it till later then!"

Dongju's sneakers squeaked as he ran down the halls trying to find the exit. He had absolutely no clue what just happened but there was no part of him that wanted to find out at that moment. His feet hit the concrete of the path as he finally exited the school grounds although that didn't mean he stopped running. He couldn't shake the feeling of eyes digging into his skin and he constantly turned around to try and find someone only to be met with no forms of life other than plants.

Once he arrived home, he was met with an empty house. Except it shouldn't have been empty, the door was left unlocked. As he shut the door it locked itself and he whimpered. What was going on? "M-mum?" He took a step away from the door and screamed as a small meow came from behind him. "Ch-Chisuke it's j-j-just you."

The tiny Macawnivore pulled on his school pants and lead him up towards his own room. After she had successfully dragged him up the stairs she slipped through the small crack in his door and left him alone again.

Dongju gulped as he placed his hand on the doorknob and began to push it open. He walked into the room half expecting to see Chisuke sitting with some sort of demon she accidently summoned but instead the tiny parrot-cat sat on his bed waiting for him to come in.

He took a step closer towards her before his own door shut and locked itself. But how? He doesn't even have a lock on his door.

The blond boy twisted the knob and pulled but it wouldn't budge no matter how hard he tried to open it.

"Stop trying."

He turned around to see a familiar face sitting on his bed while petting Chisuke. Dongju knew exactly who the boy was, yet he had never seen those eyes before. One was a midnight black with a speck of the same blood red the other was dipped in. The boy smiled to him while using his head to motion him closer. Dongju didn't move however, he just stood there back pressed against the wall in shock.

"Come on...I don't bite."

( ˘ ³˘)♥︎

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