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The shame of my life started when I died. I was only an Infant when my home of Vaeternus was invaded and conquered by The Outworld tyrant Shao Khan. I remember the touch of my elder sister's hand as she held me while trying to escape as our mother fought. I was crying and she was doing her best to hush me. "Hush please Natarito! We will be fine. Big sister has you! Your ok" she told me. We got close to the portal to freedom when she was attacked by a soldier of Shao Khan. She placed me down and fought as hard as she could but she was outmatched and I watched as my elder sister was slain. My life should have ended then but the soldier decided to take me to Shao Khan and leave my fate to him. Once his red eyes landed on me still wrapped in my black silk quilt he held me. "A child? Newly born it seems" he said in his booming voice. Just then a young female Moroi was brought before him. "Natarito!" She said. "Is that his name?" Shao Khan asked her. "Yes my lord" she said. "Narika you lended me your aid in this conquer thus I shall entrust his raising to you" Shao Khan said and handed me to her. "He is my foolish sister's son I'll raise him to be strong. Strong enough to be a general!" She said. "Good girl your dismissed!" He said and she bowed and left with me. I grew up in outworld under the reign of Shao Khan raised by my power hungry aunt. The traitor who lead to the downfall of my realm. She was a horrible mother always pushed me beyond my limits. I was closer to Princess Kitana and Lady Jade of Edenia who Shao Khan soon invaded after he conquered my realm. When I turned 14 my aunt tried to overthrow Shao Khan using me as a weapon but I turned on her instead. I killed my own aunt/mother in service to Shao Khan and it impressed him. Soon after my 16th birthday I was promoted to general and charged with Princess Kitana's protection.

That charge would lead to my own death. Kitana and Jade were trained to be assassins for Shao Khan and their charge was to kill the Earthrealm champion Liu Kang and his friend Kung Lou. However they were continuously defeated and I would aid their escape I watched as Shao Khan repeatedly hit them with each failure. Part of me wanted to aid them but the other part of me knew if I did I'd get it worse. One day I stopped caring and helped. It was during the 8th Mortal Kombat tournament I wanted to fight too but Shao Khan forbid it instead I would protect Kitana. One night she left on her own and gave me a task. "I want you to watch Shang Tsung and my father. I have a feeling something is going on and I cannot shake it" she said. "My lady....please be careful Liu Kang has only gotten stronger" I said. "So have I" she said and left. As instructed I watched Shang Tsung and Shao Khan and saw them head towards the flesh pits. I followed along and that lead to my death. In my sense of justice and out of love for my dear friend I made the greatest mistake possible. I followed them to the flesh pits and saw Shang Tsung standing over a woman who looked strikingly similar to Kitana. "This is her final form?" Shao Khan asked in his booming voice. "Yes my lord she shall easily replace the Princess" he said. "My daughter.....have you named her?" Shao Khan asked. "Of course not she is your daughter it's only right you should name her" Shang Tsung said. "Mileena" he said. "Mileena? Replacing Kitana? No! Surely he would never allow her to!" I thought. "A fitting name for the new princess of outworld. She should awaken tomorrow" Shang Tsung said. "Excellent I can't wait to meet my new daughter have Kitana killed....She looks so similar none will question her" Shao Khan said and left. "Kill Kitana? No! I mustn't allow it!" I thought. I waited around for a few till Shang Tsung left then approached Mileena. She laid upon an alter in nothing but wrappings over her breasts and privates. "What the....." I said as I saw her face. "She looks Tarkatan! No one will think she is Kitana! This is foolish!" I said. Then I remembered....Kitana always wears a mask over her beautiful mouth. I placed my hands over Mileena's mouth and gasped. "With her mouth covered.....she does look like Kitana.....fuck! I cannot allow this! I must warn the princess!" I said and turned around only to come face to face with Shang Tsung. "Fool! You should never have came here!" He said. "You dare betray the Princess! You shall die!" I said and kicked him.

" are a fool. So young and inexperienced you don't know when your outmatched!" He said. "Shut up old man! You know nothing about me! I am a moroi! The last of my race! For my people and the princess I will feed you to the Tarkatans!" I said and we fought. He was better then me since I have only spared with Kitana and Jade despite that I gave him one hell of a fight.  Using my wings to my advantage I got the jump on him but soon that failed me. I punched and kicked him but he had magic and sorceries at his command while I had only my strength and wings. Our fight lasted an hour with each of us getting the upper hand at one point. Sadly he gained it near the end and it lead to my defeat and death. I lunged at him with my fangs out ready to sink them into his flesh and drain him of all his blood when he hit me with a blast knocking me into the racks of potions. As I struggled to gain my footing he attacked and knocked me in my chest causing me to bend forward. He then grabbed my hair and pulled it back while forcing me to my knees. "Your soul is mine!" He said and like that I was defeated and he encased my soul in his amulet. He then disposed of my body and by the time he returned to the flesh pits Kitana was there. They fought and she defeated him easily as he was suffering from our fight still. "You will stand before my father and confess your deeds!" She told him and dragged him to the throne room. That's all I remember.....before they reached it my mind blacked out and I heard nothing and saw nothing. Till one day.....

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