My Return

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It's kinda ironic actually how it happened. I was nothing more then a drifting soul inside Shang Tsung's necklace along with a few others notably the King of Edenia and father to Kitana Jerrod. They say of you have a strong willpower even as a soul you can overpower Shang Tsung and regain feeling. I was able to do it as he used my form to invade earthrealm I was able to regain control of my life at a key point. He was facing Abel who is Kitana's brother but I didn't regain control till she arrived. "Nataro Stop this nonsense at once!" She said forcing Shang Tsung to look at her. That's when my eyes opened and I saw...."m....mother!" Starring back at me was my mother Nitara queen of the Moroi clan of Vampires. I fought back at Shang Tsung and gained control of his body and mind. It was so loud at first but I shook my head and looked ahead of me. Then I saw Abel....he was so handsome and kind looking with his long black hair and beautiful hazel eyes. I had to resist blushing as I looked at him. "Yes Nataro it's me. What did that tyrant tell you? That I was dead?" Mother said saving me from my blush as I looked down at my feet. "That I was a traitor to the Moroi? That I abandoned you? What did he say?" Mother pushed as she stood in front of Abel protecting him. "That you were selfish and abandoned me but taking your own life after the fall of the Moroi" I said remembering what Shao Khan told me about my mother after I killed my aunt. "Took my own life? Hmmmm to think he'd stoop so low to that....I did not take my life and I did not abandon you. I was captured by Skarlet wearing Sindel's form and Shao Khan left my fate to Skarlet who imprisoned me under Shang Tsung's temple in a laboratory to feed off my energy. I would never abandon my own child. My last child that I have? Never!" Mother said and I began to think I was so close to my mother most my got to me.

She opened her arms and I just ran into them crying like a newborn babe. Abel then flew up the cliff leaving us alone. "Its alright Nataro I'm here now and I'm ok!" Mother said hugging me. "It was horrible mother! The fall of the Moroi and everything was aunt Narika's doing! All of it! She betrayed us!" I cried. "Narika? The bitch! If she still lives I will end her!" Mother said. "She doesn't....I ended her..." I said. "Good job son! I'm so proud of you!" Mother said. Then together we flew up and I scooped up Jade who was trying to harm Sindel "You don't like listening do you?" I said. "Let go of me you servant of Shao Khan!" She shouted. Then Baraka appeared and told me to take Jade back to Shao Khan. "Shut up ugly! I don't listen to you!" I said. He then got his ass kicked by Abel rather quickly and retreated with his spikes between his legs. I lowered Jade back onto the ground as Kitana appeared alongside Raiden The Thunder god and protector of Earthrealm. I had hoped she would remember me...but she didn't and neither did Jade. As I watched Abel and Kitana reunite I couldn't help but tear up in remembering my own sister Nalina. "I hope she's ok wherever she may be" I thought. Mother held my hand as we walked towards the command center on the base. "Even if his only son loved men?" Abel said coming out to Sindel and Kitana. "He loves men? me?" I thought. I remembered when I discovered it myself. I was only 14 when I discovered it. A young boy around my age who was from Edenia would run back and fourth with weapons for Shao Khan's soldiers and one day he bumped into me. As we collided we fell onto the ground with him on top of me. "I'm so sorry my lord!" He said in a sweet and kind voice. "Its ok" I said as he sat up on my lap. He stood up and offered his hand to me which I took and he helped me up. Then rushed off again with the weapons. I however had my first erection that wasn't due to waking up. Over the course of weeks after I'd watch him almost obsessively. The day I decided to make my move Shao Khan called for the death of all Edenians except for Kitana, Jade, Sindel and Rain. I was forced to watch as he was ripped in half by Goro. I cried that night as did Kitana and Jade in her room.

It was horrible and afterwards I kinda closed my heart to the world. After seeing Abel It burst open again and I wanted to fight more! However it wasn't meant to be. Despite how hard I fought against Shang Tsung's control I was no match after we made our way to Sheeva's palace I was no more. Thankfully Sheeva recognized and she protected Abel from him. I watched as he was ripped in half by the Shokan queen and smiled. Then all I remember is spinning around in a never ending vortex called the Soul Well. "You are Nataro yes?" A man asked. I looked and floating next to me was an older man with greying brown hair and Abel's eyes. "Yes?" I said. "You loved my son yes?" He asked. "Your son? Are you Abel's father?" I asked. "Is that his name? He was named Rayn upon his birth by my wife" the man said. "Wife being Empress Sindel?" I asked. "Yes....but to our people she was Queen Sindel" he said. "Wait! Are you King Jerrod!?" I asked. "Yes I am" he said. "Then Abel is indeed an Edenian?" I said. "Yes....although I heard Sindel managed to whisk him away to Earthrealm" King Jerrod said. "Where he grew up and lived yes" I said. "To think my only son loves men. I may not understand it but it doesn't change the fact that I love him" King Jerrod said. "He will be relieved to hear that I just know it" I said then we saw him run into the Soul Chamber. "Abel!" I said. "My son!" King Jerrod said. "The Soul Well..." He said as he approached us. "Abel!" I cried but no use he couldn't hear me. "Beautiful isn't it brother?" Mileena said as she jumped at him. "I think a nice blood red will spruce it up don't you?" He asked her then they fought. King Jerrod and I cheered as much as we could though he never heard a word of it. It ended in his victory over the monster I tried to protect Kitana from. When her head rolled towards the well I used the chance to speak to him one last time.

Using Mileena's head as a catalyst I spoke to him. "It's incredible" he said admiring the Soul Well. "Abel.....Abel..." I said. "Who the?" He said then jumped back at the sight of Mileena's head rolling towards him. "Abel its me Nataro" I said. "Nataro?" He said. "Yes its me....I'm sorry I couldn't break free....I tried so hard to break his hold on my soul but he was too powerful...I'm so sorry" I said. "Don't be sorry you couldn't help it!" He told me. "When I saw mom.....I fought hard and was able to break free for a short time but it wasn't enough.....I'm so sorry" I said. "Its not your fault Nataro. Stop thinking it is. You saved me when I was unable to fight. That's good enough" he said. Then I noticed a handsome man enter the chamber and immediately picked up her was involved with Abel, and I knew my time was running out. "Take good care of Abel for me" I said and returned to the Soul Well. I watched as he kissed Abel being watched by Mother, Sindel and Queen Sheeva. "My queen!" King Jerrod said. "He has found his forever partner....I'm sad it wasn't me" I said. "Your partner is waiting for you...I just know it" King Jerrod said. We floated around in the Soul Well for what felt like a day before suddenly it grew faster. "What's going on!" I said. "They've done children have defeated Shao Khan!" King Jerrod said. "Its the Souls.....they cry out for release!" I heard Kitana say. "This is my chance to speak to my children!" King Jerrod said and I touched him giving him some extra strength. " young you have grown into a fine young man" he said. "Father?" I heard Abel say. "Father?" I heard Kitana say. "Fa.....father!" She continued. "Kitana my little've grown into a beautiful young both have the power to undo what has been done. Together your power can release all the realms, even our Edenia. All you must do is step into the green mist together" King Jerrod said. "All the realms? Even....even mine?" I thought. "Kitana?" I heard Abel say. "Lets give it a shot" I heard Kitana say. "You both have my powers lying dormant inside you made to surface once the two of you are reunited" King Jerrod said. "Jerrod....." I heard Sindel say. "The King!..." I heard Jade and Abel's boyfriend Ryo say together before I was blinded by a bright white light. "Escape!" I heard Abel say then nothing.

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