Escape From Chaosrealm

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After welcoming Sareena to my team we started to figure out a way to get out of Chaosrealm. "I've actually never heard of anyone escaping Chaosrealm before any Ideas?" I asked. "Its still a realm and what do realms have? Portals. We just have to find it" she said. "Right....I knew that hehe" I said. "It could be guarded however so we must not waiver in our training. Would you like to spar to get back into the swing of things?" She asked. "No Im good besides im pretty sure we won't be able to just walk around Chaosrealm and not be noticed" I said and as if on que we were jumped by a bunch of demons. "Oh come on!" I said as we began to fight them. They were just some lesser demons so they proved no threat to us but they did serve as a lovely snack for me. As I drank the last of their delicious and spicy blood Sareena sharpened her blades and looked at me with a curious look. "I'm unfamiliar with your race Nataro can you drink the blood of any race?" She asked. "Not all Moroi can no only those with royal blood can such as me and my mother" I said as I wiped my mouth with a cloth I found. "I see even that of dragons?" She asked. "Even that of Dragons yes however it is a little bit of work for that since they have scales it can harm our fangs" I said. "So I'd imagine" she said as we carried onwards with our quest. We didn't make it far of course with this being Chaosrealm there are no rules, no type of power, or security so people run amuck doing whatever they desire. Thus we found ourselves in numerous battles mostly with lesser demons till we came across gold so to speak in the form of Molog a powerful demon wielding a wrecking ball in one hand. "Now that's a face only a mother could love" I said as we neared him.

Apparently he has feelings now so what I just said pissed him off. "Garrrrrrrr!!!!!" He cried as he charged at me with his hideous yet piercing yellow eyes. "Too slow there big guy" I said and easily dodged out his way causing him to barrel towards Sareena who also gracefully dodged him. "He is very mad" she said. "Awwww I think he wants to play!" I said. "Shall we?" I asked. "He is mad at you not me so he is your problem sorry" she said. "Awwww fine! Time to put him down for a nap" I said as Sareena walked over to a chair and sat down to watch. However it wasn't much of anything at least to me. Molog is by all accounts a powerful higher demon but he was facing a fully fed and fully powered up Moroi vampire prince so he was outclassed in all areas. As he shook himself free of the wall he charged into I was already in his face punching and kicking with my speed and agility. He is powerful but slow so fighting something he can barely touch is a huge disadvantage for him. By the time he swung his first hit towards me I was already away from him by a few feet. Once he realized this after a few minutes he charged at me again but instead I charged back covering my body in the blood of my food I have eaten previously. So I was basically liquid and went right through him however it appeared as if I just splatted into him. However I basically melded into him and grabbed hold of his demonic heart with it in my claws I appeared behind him and crushed it in my hands killing him instantly. As I licked my hands clean of his blood Sareena clapped. "Nataro wins" she said. "Flawless victory" I said as my eyes turned to my red hue completely restoring my powers. I was fully fed and powered up however my eyes were still a void black hue. This signified I wasn't at my full power as my gods forsaken aunt once said "until our eyes fill red with the blood of the fallen a Moroi vampire isn't at max strength" thus my wings fully expanded and my hair grew longer. "What just happened?" Sareena asked as she noticed my changes. "Until a Moroi Vampire's eyes fill red with the blood of our fallen enemies we are not at max strength" I said. "Is that all Moroi? Or just the royal bloodline?" Sareena asked. "All of us. However it takes special skills such as my bloody vain skill you just witnessed to get me back to my full strength" I said. "I see" She said.

"Its difficult to explain in a normal mother could but alas I know not where she might be" I said. "Once we are out of here you could find her" Sareena said. "I intend to as well as Abel" I said. "A boyfriend?" Sareena asked. "Former....yes" I said. "Why would you look for him?" She asked. "To thank him. He is the reason im not dead" I said. "How so?" She asked. "I honestly don't know....I heard him call out to me as I swirled around in the soul Chamber he said escape then I awoke in that cell back there" I said. "He said escape then you woke up body and all in a cell in Chaosrealm? Well then....that's something new" Sareena said. "Right? So I intend to find him and his husband to thank him and to get answers" I said. "Wait he is married?" She said surprised. "I assume so although I truly don't know" I said. "Maybe he isn't and you can get back with him?" Sareena asked. "I doubt that last I saw him he was in the arms of another" I said. "I see....sorry Nataro" she said. "Its fine though I loved him I could never be with him as I was just a soul at the time...." I said. "So I see" Sareena said. Afterwards we continued our quest to find a way out of Chaosrealm. We neared fighting and I heard a familiar voice yet somewhat different sounding. As we rounded a corner a lesser demon flew passed us with a single sai embedded in its chest. "What the?" I said. Then we saw the portal surrounded by dead lesser demons. "The portal!" Sareena said then the sai flew passed us and out the portal. We raced to it as it began to close just managing to escape it before it completely closed behind us and found ourselves in a beautiful lush forest. "Where are we?" I asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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