Teenage Dream(Revised Edition)

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  • Dedicated to To God, and my adorable family.


Have you ever had that feeling of regret, of wishing to have lived a different life?


Going back to the day everything in your life became a mess, the day you forgot the true meaning of happiness, the meaning of living each day to is max.


Escaping into your own world away from everyone, being free for once, and with no worries of getting hurt by your peers’ or the comments being said behind your back.


Life for many is an impossible journey of survival, for some of us life is cut short with the unfortunate events we have to face on a daily basis.


Unpredictable acts change our lives every day, the way we behave, the way we act with our parents, our friends, our boyfriends.


As you grow older, you can only go back and think of all the mistakes you made in life, of being able of changing your past into a better future.


I had the chance, to change everything to the way I always dream of, but at the end I realized it was a life I didn’t belong in. 

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