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As I gazed upon the crumbling fragments of my once majestic kingdom, my heart shattered into countless shards of despair. The clash of swords reverberated in a symphony of steel, their metallic melodies echoing through the air. The scent of blood, thick and heavy, infused the atmosphere. Heat radiated from the encroaching flames, as if the fire itself sought to consume me.

And... the people's desperate cries.

I shut my eyes tightly, as if hoping the harrowing scene before me to dissipate like a wisp of smoke, "Let this be a mere nightmare... please..." I whispered, my voice laced with desperation and a plea for respite from the grim reality that surrounded me.

"If only you had agreed to marry me back then, perhaps we wouldn't have ended up in this... situation."

A sly voice broke through the darkness of my thoughts, pulling me back to the harshness of the present. I opened my eyes slowly, meeting his piercing gaze, "You're insane, Heeseung."

"Yes, I know." He smirked evilly, "So, Your Majesty... in what manner would you prefer to meet your demise? This insane person graciously presents you with the opportunity to make a choice."

With his sword in his right hand and a menacing gun in his left, fear gripped me. My throat tightened, and my lips trembled, revealing my terror. I frantically surveyed my surroundings, desperately seeking any chance of finding a way to escape.

"My... would you look at that? The mighty Princess of Andura, known for her unwavering pride, trembling in fear before my very eyes?" he sneered, relishing in my vulnerable state.

A mixture of anger and defiance surged within me, momentarily overpowering my fear. "What do you hope to gain from all of this, Heeseung? Are you so consumed by your ambitions that you would not spare even this small piece of land and its innocent people? Tell me, do you possess even a shred of conscience?"

"What's conscience? Is it some sort of delicacy or what?" he scoffed, a twisted smile playing on his lips.

He's really unbelievable. How can he maintain such a playful demeanor, unaffected by the immense destruction he has caused? My kingdom lies in ruins, my people suffer, yet he revels in his misdeeds as if they were mere games.

"Please... spare the innocent people. I will let you kill me... just spare those who survived."

Uncertain if it was just my imagination,
but I witnessed a flash of anger in his eyes. It was as if my words had pierced through his defenses, tapping into a hidden reservoir of emotions. In that brief moment, his carefully constructed facade faltered, exposing a glimpse of his seemingly true self.

"And... I have a wish to make," I whispered, feeling a stinging sensation around my eyes, as if my tears were on the brink of falling. "Allow me to rest, to find solace in sleep... and then... you can kill me however you want."

My plea seemed to catch him off guard. It was as if he couldn't believe that I, the proud and defiant one, was willing to face my impending death with acceptance. For so long, he had known me as a person consumed by pride, always ready to fight tooth and nail for what I believed in.

"Fine, then. Lead me to your room." He responded so easily, I didn't even hear a hint of hesitation in his voice.

"Halt your people, first. I told you to spare mine!"

As our eyes locked, his previously playful demeanor vanished in an instant. Instead, what I witnessed was a chilling transformation, an embodiment of pure cruelty and brutality that sent shivers down my spine.

"Hugh! Stop this in an instant!" he bellowed, his voice echoing through the air. Despite his furious command, his unwavering gaze remained fixed on me, refusing to break our intense eye contact.

The moment those words escaped his lips, a remarkable transformation took place. His soldiers, once engaged in a fierce battle, froze in their tracks. The clash of swords came to an abrupt halt, and the air was filled with an eerie silence. It was as if his command carried an invisible force, instantly quelling the violence that had consumed the battlefield.

"Satisfied? Now, to your room." he even gestured his hands, clearly being impatient.

I walked towards the palace, accompanied by echoing footsteps in the empty corridors. The weight of recent events burdened me, and a solemn atmosphere filled the air, matching the desolate halls that were once bustling.

The absence of voices, laughter, and the usual bustling activity was a stark reminder of the devastation that had befallen us.

The emptiness of the palace mirrored the void within my heart. There was no solace to be found in its opulent halls, only a haunting reminder of what had been lost.

It was... heartbreaking.

"I usually can't sleep immediately, so I ask for your patience." With a soft mutter escaping my lips, I reached for the doorknob of my room.

He didn't answer.

His silence spoke volumes, hanging heavily in the air as I made my way to the edge of the bed. Taking a seat, I allowed my gaze to ascend slowly, meeting his eyes in a steady, questioning stare. "Grant my people the freedom they deserve."

I searched his face for any hint of empathy, a glimmer of compassion that might assure me of a better future for my beloved subjects. Yet, his expression remained inscrutable, his intentions shrouded in the shadows of his gaze, "Heeseung..."

His jaw clenched, and a subtle nod escaped him, momentarily easing the weight on my shoulders. The gesture, though small, instilled a glimmer of hope within me. With a sigh, I allowed myself to sink onto the soft mattress.

I closed my eyes, seeking solace in the embrace of darkness, but tears welled up against my will. The pain in my heart became an overwhelming ache, too much to bear. Uncontrollable sobs shook my body, releasing the pent-up anguish and sorrow within me.

"I apologize... it might take me a little while to fall asleep."

I felt my teeth sink into my lower lip as the sharp click of a gun's trigger resonated in the air.

Is he really going to kill me now? But I'm not asleep, yet.


"Marry me."


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