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SURPRISE??? *this is just a very short update T^T


A low groan escaped my lips as I reluctantly peeled open my eyes, only to be greeted by an unfamiliar ceiling above me. A sharp pang throbbed through my head, causing a wave of nausea to wash over me. The lingering metallic scent of blood tickled my nostrils, intensifying my unease.

Glancing down, I noticed that my clothes remained unchanged, yet an unsettling feeling tugged at the edges of my consciousness, whispering that something was amiss. "Is there someone outside?!"

I was in my room from the last time I remembered. It was just the two of us, locked in a private space, engaged in some form of negotiation. However, the specifics of our discussion eluded me. A sense of frustration and curiosity welled up within me.

But as I strained to recall the missing pieces of the puzzle, my temples throbbed once again, causing me to wince in pain.

"Your Highness..."

Still in pain, I squinted my eyes to see who was calling my name. An unfamiliar uniformed maiden approached me, walking slowly with a tray in her hands. When I tried standing up, she immediately fastened her pace to help me, "Please, you're not fully recovered, yet."

"Who are you?"

"I am Countess Naomi, Your Highness, your appointed lady-in-waiting," she introduced herself.

Perplexity washed over me, causing my head to tilt in confusion. Before I could voice my bewilderment, a sudden wave of queasiness swept through me, intensified by the overpowering scent of blood that churned my stomach. Hastily, my eyes darted down to my attire, and a distinct sense of discomfort settled upon me as I realized that my clothes felt grimy and unkempt.

"Are you hungry? I brought you a hearty meal as you were asleep for almost three days, Your Highness."

I was what?!

"I apologize if you're feeling uncomfortable with your clothes," the lady-in-waiting said. "We tried to change them, but His Majesty didn't permit us to touch you without your proper consent."

So, what she was telling me was that I had been sleeping in my own blood-stained and foul-smelling clothes for three days? I understand them, but the thought of enduring such unhygienic conditions for an extended period left me feeling unsettled and disturbed.

"Help me change my clothes now, then."

Her nod was like a gentle breeze as she placed the tray on the bedside table. As I glanced into the closet, I discovered a treasure trove of opulent gowns. She assured me that I could take my pick... but they all exuded an excessive glamour that felt out of place for someone in mourning, as if they were mocking the tragedy that had befallen our kingdom.

Lee Heeseung... you surely are testing me, huh?

"What time is it already?" I asked while she was engrossed in styling my hair. Our eyes met through the mirror as she stole a quick glance at her watch.

"8:30 in the morning, Your Highness."

"Is Heeseung finished with breakfast? I'd like to join him if he's still eating."

Once more, our gazes locked, and within hers, I sensed a flicker of apprehension, as if my idea didn't quite sit well with her.

"The Emperor usually has his breakfast alone, but—"

"Well, lucky for him. He won't be dining solo anymore... now that I'm here," I quipped with a sardonic smile, rising from my seat.

"But, Your Highness, he-"

Her words trailed off. I quickened my steps, intent on slipping away unnoticed. But just as I thought I had escaped, I emerged from the cavernous room only to be confronted by yet another expansive space, looming before me like an unexpected cliff. And there, in the midst of my exasperation, stood a figure.

He's in the middle of changing his clothes, a scene that added yet another layer of disbelief to my already bewildered state.

"Where are your manners, my Empress?" His voice was a quiet admonishment, delivered with a tone of familiarity that sent a shiver down my spine. Before me stood his figure, his back turned, revealing a sight both captivating and unexpected – the sculpted perfection of his form.

It was as though he had anticipated my arrival, effortlessly commanding attention without even turning around. And despite my inner turmoil, I couldn't help but acknowledge the undeniable allure of his physique, a realization that left me questioning my own sanity.

Just... what the fuck?

"Are you hungry? The dining hall isn't this way, though... or do you want something else for breakfast?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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