Chapter 2

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Every class I've gone to this far has been boring and embarrassing. Each teacher makes me stand up in front of everyone and introduce myself. No matter how many times I've done this it doesn't get any easier. No one gives a shit that I just moved here. They won't notice when I get up and leave either.

Finally, the last period of the day is lacrosse. I make my way to the big gym to find where I'm supposed to be. A large man tells me to head to the field. On the opposite side of campus. Great.

As I walk across the school towards the field I see all the cliques within the school's courtyard. Just like every movie, tv show and other schools I've been to. The gothic, geeks, it girls, and the jocks. They all stare back at me as I walk by. Some of the boys whistle and cat call me but I keep walking.

Once I reach the field I see a cluster of girls in lacrosse uniforms and their sticks running around tossing the ball to each other. It looks more intimidating in real life versus watching it on tv.

"Hey, I'm Blake and I'm new here. I've never played but I'm excited to start." I introduce myself to the coach.

"Coach Natalie. Next class I'll bring you a uniform, what number do you want? Tonight buy a lacrosse stick, face guard, cleats and a mouth guard. You'll need them in order to be on the team. For right now you can borrow a stick and run in what you're wearing" she says not wasting a single second to breathe.

I look around to see which numbers are taken. "I'll be #11." I tie up my brunette hair into a ponytail, and I follow her directions to grab a stick no one is using and run out onto the field. Some girls give me weird looks, and judgmental ones. God this is going to suck.

"Hey wanna practice our tossing?" A blonde blue eyed girl asks. I look around to make sure she's talking to me.

"Yeah sure, the name is Blake" I smile lining across from her imitating the other girls.

"I'm Chloe, and I'm guessing this is your first time playing?" I nod. "Well cool I'll show you the ropes." She seems sweet, and inviting. I could use a friendly face around this giant monstrosity of a school.

"JUNIPER! Come here!" Chloe yells signaling someone named Juniper to come over to us. "This is Juniper, Juni purr. She's also learning to play lacrosse. I can teach you both!" Chloe smiles. The girl across from me has long black hair with bright blue eyes. She looks like Megan Fox in a way. God she is so hot, how is she in high school? She looks like a grown ass woman.

"Hey! Nice to meet you. Sorry you have to wear your clothes to practice today. I had to do that too and I wore a fucking skirt!" Juniper laughs cradling her ball in the lacrosse stick. "I used to be on the flag football team but they said I was too violent." She laughs. She looks like she could beat the shit out of me.

"I'm Blake, and I only picked lacrosse because of Teen wolf." I laugh. Usually I don't make a lot of friends at schools as I see it as useless. Why connect with someone just to be abandoned. I've probably rewatched teen wolf 100 times in my free time without any friends at my past schools.

"Holy shit me too! That's how I started playing like 8 years ago!" Chloe laughs. I see on her jersey she claimed the #24. Story checks out, she is a teen wolf fan. And the reason I had to pick 11, for Scott. As we do drills and continue practice I continue getting to know the two girls.

"You guys wanna go to Benjis after this?" Juniper asks.

"Who or what is that? I haven't really been here long enough to explore the city." I ask, feeling stupid.

"It's this restaurant that everybody hangs out at after school. It's so good and the atmosphere is perfect." Chloe explains.

Practice comes to an end and we all pack up our bags before walking to the parking lot. I tell the girls I'll meet them there in a second.

Chloe had me follow her, instead of putting it into my gps. She drove a pink G wagon, and it really showed off what kinda girl she was. About a 5 minute drive later we both pulled into the parking lot next to each other.

The small restaurant was modern looking on the outside and had string lights along the outside patio. It looked cute like a suburban backyard. The kind of backyard I've only seen in movies. My current backyard was full of green grass and hideous bushes shaped into animals. As I get out of my car I hear yelling coming from the restaurant.

"Oliver I told you no more fighting outside my restaurant. Now get out! And take your friend with you!" An old Italian man yelled.

"That prick isn't my fucking friend." Another man says. He looks like the tall man from school earlier today. He was standing near a guy laying on the concrete who had blood covering his face. Assuming they got into a fight and this was a regular thing.

"Don't you dare come back!" The restaurant owner yells.

Chloe walks up to me with wide eyes hinting we should get inside before they turn to look at us. I link my arm with hers and head inside. I turn back to look at the tall man I saw earlier, but he's gone. I see Juniper's car pull in and I'm relieved everything is back to normal. Of course she would drive a black Mercedes. Black must be her color.

"Who was that?" I ask Chloe getting in line to get a table.

"Let's wait until we sit down..." Chloe trails off. Juniper comes inside at the perfect moment. Our waitress walks us to a table taking our drink orders.

"Okay who was that out there?!" I ask again, sliding into our booth.

"His name is Noah. Noah Oliver. He goes to our school, sort of. He's not the scholarly type. He gets into fights a lot and is always in detention." Chloe explains.

"I heard that he watched his dad kill his own mom." Juniper says quietly while looking around.

"No way that's true... is it?" I ask.

"No one knows. He hates people and has only one friend. I'm not even sure that Emory knows the truth." Chloe states.

"God Emory is so fine. Too bad he's a shitbag." Juniper sighs. "Emory doesn't talk to anyone either. He's a mystery that I want to solve."

"Have you ever talked to him?" I ask. He couldn't be that hard to talk to could he?

"Hell no he doesn't even know I exist. I'm sure he's into girls with tattoos and a ton of piercings like he has. I don't even know if I could commit to a butterfly tattoo." Juniper laughs.

"Has Noah ever been in a relationship?" I wonder. He seems like the type to sleep around with a ton of girls not knowing their name.

"Honestly we've barely seen him at school, and when we do he's never with a girl. Just Emory. Even at parties he stays to himself." Chloe explains as we begin to order our food.

We all get the same thing, a cheeseburger with fries and a Dr. Pepper. This is how I know we're all going to get along.

"Are there any other cute guys at school besides them?" I ask twiddling my thumbs trying to keep the conversation going. I eat my food here in there, making sure my mouth is clear often so I can speak.

"Only a handful. I mean there are a ton of hot boys but once they speak they're booted off the list. There are major idiots at Westlake. Since everyone plays a sport everyone thinks they're a God of some sort." Juniper rolls her eyes, looking around to see who's at Benjis.

"That guy over there Cody, he plays lacrosse too and he's so hot. I've never talked to him though. I think I'll start sitting next to him in Biology and pretend like I don't know what I'm learning." Chloe smirks pointing over to a boy in a booth full of other guys.

We drop the boy subject and keep talking about our lives as the waitress serves us our food and drinks. As we eat, more and more high schoolers fill the restaurant.

(Another 1400 word chapter)

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