Profile 14: Avrin Natasya Lee

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Name: Avrin Natasya Lee binti Tan Sri Azman Lee

Alias: Rin, Agent Avrin, Avrin

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Occupation: M.A.T.A Agent, student, fashion icon

Pillar: Neuro, Techno, Inviso, Combat

Birthday: 5 February

Height: 167 cm

Eye colour: Dark Hazel

Hair colour: Light brown

Blood type: AB

Affiliation: M.A.T.A, Superpowered M.A.T.A Academy

Races: Malay, Chinese, British, Japanese, Thailand, Korean, Arab, Filipino

Nationality: Malaysia

Personality: Straightforward, serious, mature, protective, brave, confident, smart

Power: Super strength, teleportation, telekinesis, self-regenerate, super intelligent, fly, healing

Weapon: None

Abilities: Martial arts, master hand to hand combat, aerobic, gymnastics, enhanced abilities, high intelligent, good at cooking, close combat, good at hacking and technology, great leader, fast learner

Likes: Create a gadget, electronic things, technical, going on mission, fighting, studying, superhero movies, fashion, shopping, makeup

Dislikes: People who insult other people

Social Media Account (for now):

- SocialNation: 56.7M followers
- YouTube: 48.7M subscribers
- Instagram: 50M subscribers
- Facebook: 47.9M followers
- Twitter: 34.8M followers
- TikTok: 35M followers


- She is Muslim but she's not wear a head shawl

- She has 20 siblings and she is number 4. She also from quadruplets and eldest only female from her quadruplets. (Her quadruplets is 1 girl and 3 boys and she is eldest quadruplets)

- Her favourite food is Nasi Lemak

- Her favourite drink is Teh Tarik

- She is from Kuala Lumpur

- Her favourite movie is Avengers Endgame

- She likes to watch superhero movies

- Her idol is Scarlet Witch (Only for telekinesis power)

- She likes to watch "women's power" show

- She is the most popular student at her school and she is a head of all fields at her school like Yaya. Her school is Sekolah Sri Cyberaya because she didn't like to attend international and private school but her school is not using the same uniform like a government school

- She has many followers on social media

- She and her family is not homophobic and transphobic

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