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Minho's POV:

"Ay,why is your hand there?" I asked looking at him again while raising one eyebrow,He chuckles and looks at his hand "Just resting it there,do you have a problem with it?" He asks teasingly,I roll my eyes and push his hand away before standing up and stretching lazily,he smiles slightly while looking at me,I look back at him confused "What?" I asked still looking at him confused "nothing,nothing i'm just thinking about how weird you are because you didn't wanted to sleep in the same bed with me but in the end you slept so peacefully" he says teasingly.

I sigh dramatically while looking away "shut up,i just slept in the same bed with you because you annoyed me too much and you are still annoying me" i groaned slightly actually still kinda tired but not wanting to admit it.

He chuckles a bit before giving me a teasing look "sure,if you say so" i look at him pissed „can you shut up for once? Seriously stop annoying me" i say before changing into my clothes i wore yesterday and walk out of the bedroom and Hyunjin followed me „where are you going?" I look back at him „uhm Home?" i shrug slightly and walk over to the door and take my stuff before putting on my shoes and about to go out „by the way...thank you,but don't think i like you bastard" i say annoyed before walking out of the house and slam the door behind me as i heard him giggling slightly.

After some time i got home and opened the door,i noticed my mother in the kitchen backing „Mom,i'm back" i say before walking into the kitchen „no wonder why it was so quiet" she chuckled „i was just sleeping at...Jisung's house" i lie before walking into my room and let myself fall on my bed,sighing relieved „i hope this bastard starts losing interest because i definitely did" i think too myself annoyed and bury my face into my pillow and groan annoyed.

„I hate this bastard..." i mumble annoyed too myself before standing up and walking towards my desk and took a book from my shelf before starting to read a bit. After about 17 minutes i heard my mother knocking „come in" i say quietly,still focused on the book i was reading „here you go,my son. I made your favourite cake" she says sweetly and caress my hair gently as she put down a small plate on my desk with one slice of the cake. I smiled happily „thank you,mom" i chuckle as she walked out of my room and closed the door again,i started eating the cake. It was a chocolate cake with vanilla pudding in the middle,while i ate the cake i continued reading.

The book had the name ‚I wonder' it was about two persons called ‚xin' and ‚jumin' these two had a love to hate relationship and xin always hated jumin yet deep down he felt that jumin was important to him even if he was an asshole that just plays with everything and everyone.


I posted😨 omg its short but i also think i will make the chapters shorter so y'all have more chapters also I'm starting to start a ff named ‚trust' its inspired by skzflix <3

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