1: That Night.

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Description of Y/N for this story: You will be the daughter of Clark Kent/Superman, older sister to Jonathan Kent/Superboy. You have all the powers Superman has. You are 19 (Jon will be 14). And Dick is 20.
_________________Y/N POV:_________________

I am walking along the streets of Blüdhaven, when all of a sudden I get pulled into a dark alleyway by a gang of nasty thugs... I began to sigh, I just got done at a job interview. I didn't want to get my hands dirty... A man in a black and blue suit appears to your rescue. It was Nightwing, thank goodness. Now he can deal with this.

The thugs quickly were knocked out. "Are you okay? Were you hurt?-" Nightwing asked. "No, I'm perfectly fine. I'm very well capable of myself from now on, thank you though." I responded to Nightwing. He raised his eyebrow and then shrugged it off nodding, and then returned into the shadows.

I shook my head and continued on my way to the subway station. Once I got there I got on the train and went back to Metropolis. When I arrived in Metropolis I immediately headed home, I was exhausted from the events of the night.

When I got home Jon and my mom, Lois, were sitting at the table, I guess dad's out doing superhero work again... As always.. My mom got up and hugged me, "How was your interview sweetie? Did it go over well?" I stared at the ground for a second and then said, "Uh.. It went fine. I don't know if I got the job, they said they'd reach out to me if I did."

"Ah, okay.. Have you eaten? I have some food leftover from dinner if you want it." Mom said to me in a caring voice. "Erm.. I think I'm good, I'll just head to bed." I replied to mom with a sigh. Mom looked and nodded at me, "Just so you know, we are going to the Wayne's tomorrow so Jonathan and Damian can hang out for a bit."

I looked at mom and nodded then headed to my bedroom. I really don't know why I have to go, but I do... Once I got in my room I got in my bed and just didn't move until I fell asleep.
________________*In dream*________________

"Haha!" I laughed while flying in the sky of Metropolis with dad. "Look at you! You could do so well fighting crime like me, and saving the world!" Dad said. "I could- I wanna be free and fly with you everywhere!" I responded.

All of a sudden the sky gets dark and I fall from the sky, and dad grabs my hand and looks me in the eyes. "No. It's much to dangerous. You need to live a normal life. Live as a normal human-being." He said to me, these words were all too familiar.. "What.?. What about what you just said? What about Jon?! He can freely use his powers and everything!" I said in a scared tone, holding onto my dad for dear life.

"Jon can do it because he has done great things. Greater than you could ever do." Dad says as he drops me from his grip. I fall from out of the sky, screaming, and I land into the water. As I release my final breath everything goes black, until I see light once more.
________________*Dick POV:*_______________

"That girl seemed familiar... I feel like I've seen her somewhere..." I said to Alfred as he helped me wrap my wounds I got earlier from my patrolling. "Hm? Who are you speaking of master Dick?" Alfred responded.

"I'm not sure... she just... I don't know.. But she also seemed very calm about the situation she was in almost, unamused?" I replied back. "Why are you so worried about it? She probably just was simply so afraid on the inside she decided not to show it." Alfred said to me, in a tone showing that he could care less.

"I guess you're right Alfred. I'll get going to bed now I suppose." I got up and went to lay in my bed. "Okay then. Goodnight master Dick." Alfred said as he left my room and turned off the light.
_________*(Y/n pov) Out Of Dream:*________

I get woken up by my mom shaking me,
"Y/n, Y/n! You're awake- Why are you sweating so much?.. Uhm, anyways, we need to get going to Wayne Manor for Jon's little hangout with Damian or whatever. Please get changed and head to the car." I get out of bed and go to my closet, I look at myself in the mirror I had hanging up on the door.

I fly up a little bit and then go back down with a sigh. I get changed into some different clothes. When I get done changing I head out to the car outside and sit in the front passenger seat.

It was a long silent ride to Gotham with very quiet music playing in the background, until we arrive at Wayne Manor. I look up out of the window as we pull into the long driveway.

We all get out of the car and head to the door. Mom knocks and Alfred opens the door, "Welcome, come inside. Master Damian is just upstairs in his room Jonathan." Jon runs up to Damians room and me and mom go inside and go sit in the living room area...


A/n: Alright so wanted yall to know I'm gonna update pretty often (specifically late at night/very early mornings) So I will keep yall fed😨🙏

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