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A/N: Pateron has a lot of posts ahead go check them out ;)

The sports festival was near and you were trying your damn hardest to be prepared for it.

If you weren't training in school you were training on your own. In your backyard for hours, pushing your body until you would fall on the floor a bit out of it. Or you would be training at the school with your classmates.

Mina was amazing to work with. She had totally control over every part of her body. She was ambidextrous and man was it annoying to catch her right hook then her left hook soon after.

Sero was fun too. If you weren't falling over to dodge his tape, you were falling over with laughter when he would say something to try and distract you. Denki did the same too, although both boys combat skills caused them to fall straight on their back every time.

Kirishima was intense. He's a close range fighter and was not afraid to be close. He kept your senses sharp, but the many praises of how manly- womanly your fighting skills are was your favorite part.

Todoroki though had to be one of your favorites to fight against. He would train or spar against you at least once a day at the school. Always quiet. Mainly observing you in between rounds with curiosity in his eyes. He asked about your mother once and got the same response when you asked about his father. Vague. Still, he was interesting.

Speaking of interesting-

"And look who's here to brighten up my morning!" You spoke up, startling a certain blondie. You walked up to him in the place you both would train at. Guessing by his reaction to you coming out of nowhere he still thought you wouldn't come since you haven't the past couple of days. Not like he invited you.

He's been a bit off. Not avoiding you, but also not really seeking you. He's been very jumpy lately. There were times you would go over his desk to ask for him and he would flinch a bit when you brought him out of his thoughts. Even during training he was a bit off, overthinking more.

He still sat with you at lunch though with your other friends, but still he was a bit off. Stuck in his head. Even on the few days you two would walk to and from school together the conversations were shorter. Still, his presence alone was enough even if it was a bit different. Though Katsuki has always been very interesting to you.


It was still a little odd to be able to call him by his given name.

You laughed after starling him, adjusting your gym bag, "Something told me I would see you here," you smiled. "Morning, Blondie!"

"Morning." He said softly.

He seemed tired. No, exhausted would be the better word to use. His hair was a bit messier than usual. Ash on his face and arms and even on his black tank top.

You heard explosions when you were walking, but they were quieter and followed by some hissing from him. Judging on the slight shake of his arms and how he keeps rubbing his wrists- "Been here for a while?" You asked.

"Before the sun rose," he answered. Eyes not on yours like they have been lately. They were more ruby these days instead of crimson. More distracted when he tried to make it look like he was focused on other things. Still, his company may been a bit different it was still refreshing.

"Your dedication never fails to surprise me," you said to him as he finally looked back at you. You smiled at the attention.

He frowned of course, a trembling hand pushing his hair back, "You just getting out of bed?"

You shook your head, "No, I've been looking at different fighting styles and practicing them at my house. It got boring doing it by myself so I came out here to not feel so lonely," you said. Your aunt has been taking more shifts now since danger has been on the uprise lately. Most Pro Heroes have had their hands full since your school's attack by the league of villains. The house feels too quiet after a while without her bothering you every ten seconds.

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