random things u and the group/eddie do.

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If it's like 10:00 at night and you guys are bored or cant fall asleep.
You guys will walk to a park and just lose your minds.

You guys will just go on walk.late at night.

Movie nights with everyone kids and all. Like every 2 weeks.

If you guys have any old boxes you all will meet up and go through childhood stuff/books full of old pictures.

Overall you guys get along so well.help eachother out. And lose your minds

With Nancy's Jonathan's and yours Polaroid cameras you all will make a photo book with everyone.

You and Eddie:
Movie nights every friday night.

Eddie teaches you how to play the guitar once and a while.

When you and Eddie are laying down watching a movie or just doing something. You will pass notes yo eachother as of you were in school.

You stargaze all the time together.

He will take you to see corroded coffin play or just when they are practicing songs.

You and Eddie will go to pet shelters around town once in a while just to see all the animals.

Yall I have no fucking idea what to put for Eddie's

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