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I LEAVE SACHIKOS office sometime later

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I LEAVE SACHIKOS office sometime later. I had just seen an entirely different side of her and it was one that I really liked.

On my way out of her office, I run into Mary and Tsuzura. I narrow my eyes at their joined hands.

"Tsuzura where the hell have you been?"

"What do you mean? I've been with Mary in the gambling den."

"Did you not get Rei's mom's texts and calls?" I say, you could hear there was clear anger in my voice.

"No. What did she want anyway?"

"What did she want? Are you fucking serious right now? She was calling to tell you that Rei tried to kill herself and she'll be going away for a while. She wanted you to be able to say goodbye." Tsuzura's face goes pale and her hands start to tremble.

"s-she tried to kill herself?"

"Yeah did you not just hear what I said?"

"That's terrible! So does that mean she's not coming back here for a while?" Mary asks and I nod my head "What does that mean for her debt?"

My best friend just continues to stand there frozen, tears in her eyes.

Her question makes my stomach sink. Without Rei being here she has no way to gamble and try to get out of said debt. Since technically she's not an existing student here at the moment typically she'd be set up with a life plan. That is unless she could pay back her debt in the next thirty days. which she can't and neither can her parents.

"shit shit shit," I say before turning around and heading back to sachikos office.

"Wait! Estuko where are you going?"

I stop momentarily and look back at her, "I'm going to make a deal with the devil."


"BACK SO SOON?" I hear Sachiko say as I burst into her office. Not even bothering to knock. I find her sitting at her desk with Mikura at her side. Who rolls her eyes and opens her mouth, probably to scold me for bursting in, but stops short when Sachiko holds up her hand.

"If you pay Rei's debts off I'll become your pet," I say. She doesn't respond to me and only turns to mikura.

"You may leave now. I'd like some privacy," she says and Mikura scurries away. Not before sending me a death glare, though. This girl really does hate me.

"You do realize that the deal wasn't you'd become my house pet, my dear. It was that you would gamble with me and put your life on the line. Making it mine to decide what to do with. The same goes with me, if you win and I lose my life is then yours to decide what to do with."

"whatever. I don't care what it is but I accept your deal." Sachiko has a slow smile that spreads across her face.

"Are you sure about that Estuko? I'll give you ten seconds to back out and then it's final. There can also be an alternative."

IN THE DEVILS GRASP (Sachiko x OC)Where stories live. Discover now