Chapter one. "Where am i?"

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My name is Charlie. I woke up in a room that isn't mine, and I'm scared shitless. I know my parents always told me what to do in these situations, but I feel frozen.


I get up as I look around my 'new' room. I try to open the door as I see the door is locked. Of course people are probably saying, "oh scream for help!" But what if that irritates whomever in here.. I began to think, "are there any others here?" I glance around as I cringe, this place reminds me of a hotel, worse even. I began to look through the drawers as I come across a journal, as I opened it the first page has a set of instructions reading..

(Good team)

You are given two or three clues each night to figure out who is on the Good or Evil Team. Write your journey in this journal and your role to help out your team. And hope to survive."

I shiver seeing the word detective, how would I be able to be a detective..? I'm only 16. I began to worry as I began to think about this "game" I'm in. As I ask myself, "what does the evil team do..?" I read the bottom of the note as I felt my face turn pale, am I really at the risk at dying..? I began to write in the journal as it seemed like if I didn't I would die faster. Though I felt stupid for believing everything at once, it felt like it was the only right thing to do.

"Day 1:
My name is Charlie Jacobs. I'm a 16 year old Male, I got the role detective. Though I don't know anything about being a detective, I guess it's now my beauty to pull my shit together. I will update this journal everyday, for if there's not anything after a page, I'm dead. I will say who is suspicious in my journal as I hope it will help my team."

I slowly closed the book as i put my journal inside my pillow case under my pillow, as I glance about before I go up to the door once more before I see a flashing green light flicker behind me on the wall. I turn around as I go over to the mysterious light as there was a button with the bold white words reading, "Ready?" I held myself for a second before I pressed the button as it let out a loud buzz sound, I would be lying if I said I didn't jump at that.

I hear my door unlock as I glance over, as my heart dropped, was it my time? Was I going to get killed? I freeze at that thought before a minute passes of unbearable silence, as I slowly walk to the door I feel my heart pound, it felt like my shoes had rocks in them. I slowly turn the door knob as the door opens seeing I was in a hallway, I glance down the halls before I stepped out slowly making my way to the living room of some sort, it looked like I was in a house, as I saw people there I don't feel relief, but almost threatened, I hate this feeling, I feel like I can't trust anyone. Maybe I can't? Who knows. I softly scoff before I go to make my way down the hall before someone hollers at me, "yo! New kid. Watcha got?"

I turn around as I glance at the group of people, one girl and two boys..

The girl had long brown hair, she had it in a clip, making a ponytail of some sort, she was white with green eyes, as she was maybe about 5,2 from the eye, being around 15-16. As she wore long ripped jeans with a red hoodie on.

One of the boys had dreads that reached to their jaw as they were red with the roots sticking out, he was mixed as he looked around 17-18, he had brown eyes and small scars everywhere that sorta looked like something you'd get from playing a sport, as he was wearing a black hoodie and saggy light blue jeans with a sharp looking belt that you'd get at some fancy store, he looked nice to look at. he was around maybe 5,11-6 foot.

For the other Boy he had a blonde buzz cut it was obvious that his hair was bleached from his brown eye brows, following with freckles and brown eyes, he was wearing a white 'wife beater' as he wore baggy blue jeans, as he had some bandaids on his knuckles exposing he either had anger issues, or was a fighter. He looked around 6,1 and around the age of 16-17 at least.

I look at them as I asked confused; "what..?"

"What's your role!" The girl answered as she looked at me, though I felt like this game was some joke to them as I began to speak from the knowledge I knew of course.

"We shouldn't just be giving out one roles, if there really is an evil team we want to hide our roles to make it hard to chose who to eliminate. For if I had an important role it would be a strategy to get me out first. Making my team now without an important role." I said looking at the girl as it got silence for a few seconds before the guy with the dreads walked forward,

"He's right. We shouldn't be so careless, this game seems serious, and I believe I know why it started, and if I'm correct, I pray for us to survive this 'game.' " he spoke as he looked at the other two people before he looked over at me, if I'm being honest I felt more confident being a detective now.

The girl nods before she crosses her arms as she speaks, "between us three were all good team right..?" She whispered almost as we all nodded before I slowly walked over as I decided to give these three a chance.

"I'm Charlie. Though I'm telling you my name.. it might take a while to exactly know if I can trust you guys." I spoke as I looked at them before they nodded in agreement

"Cool name. I'm Marco. Though people tend to call me Marc. I don't mind either." The tall boy with the dreads spoke as I reply.

"Creative nickname," I say in a soft laugh as Marco chuckled with a soft Scoff.

The girl softly giggled as she spoke, it was obvious she was an open person from her excitement to tell her name, "I'm Layna! Though you can call me anything that rings a bell!" She said as she smiled

The boy in the buzz cut just glared at the other 2, including me. It felt like he was trying to kill me by just looking at me. It was working a bit, I felt myself getting nervous as I began to fidget slightly with my sleeves, his tall complexion definitely had an advantage with being seen as a threat.

Marco nudged him as he spoke with a friendly tone; "cmon man, stop acting like you'll bite! What's your name?"

The Boy looked at Marco sighed as he spoke, "Jacob."

I saw his harsh expression as I figured he was just upset to be here, anyone would be as I asked the group, "is there any food here? I know how to cook.. somewhat."

Marco laughed as he spoke, "yeah, but I wouldn't recommend eating right now, let's wait for everyone to wake up, there's many rooms meaning there's many people. So we need to know how good we need to ration."

I nod as I look at him, "smart. It's a good strategy.. we don't want to run out of food and go crazy from starving. It's a common thing to happen to people that feel like they're dreaming or if they're just crazy. And since there's an 'Evil' team. We need to be careful around food."

Jacob looks at them as he spoke once more crossing his arms more, "how long does it to wake up.."

I look at Jacob as I realize he isn't as mean as he seems as I spoke, "well.. we were probably put under some drug to stay asleep during transportation... so.. it may have different affects on different people." I feel everyone look at me as Layna nodded finding that as a good explanation as she added,

"Should we check the news.? I mean... it's good to know what's going on." She said as she walked over to the TV as she grabbed the remote as she turned the Tv on surprised to see it works, as she flipped through the channels getting to the news channel as an alarm sounded almost like an amber alert noise as the broadcast spoke.

"Emergency broadcast. The government had released a new game to lower the overpopulation grow. This is not a drill. This is the purge. May god help this country, no one is coming. Murder is legal until said not."

Layna turned off the Tv as we all stared at eachother speechless, what were we supposed to say? We were done for. There is no hope left in humanity.

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