Chapter four. "Panic."

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We're all in the living room as Tanner and Another person volunteers to get rid of the body as they put on gloves while they unhung the body before they carried it to a separate room that looked unused as when they left the body they closed the door before they came back to the living room as they removed their gloves before the house had announced over the speakers,

"Discuss who may be evil and vote someone out."

Everyone began to look around as everyone began to play the blame game out of a blind fear as I looked around while people began to get violent as I go to my room quickly before I grab my notebook as I rush back out and holler out to the people, "Everyone listen up! We cannot afford to lose people for stupid reasons! Now... if you think you know who's done it, go up to me and tell me, but I won't write it down unless you have evidence!"

Everyone goes silent as they began to protest against me, as they started to try to make it seemed like I did it. I didn't understand. I did everything right.

As people began to quiet down I awaited before people began to go up to me as they told me some people who may be suspicious, some were just because people said they looked weird, which isn't really valid evidence.

After a while I put together my notes as I spoke, "I believe we should skip vote. We don't have enough evidence to correctly convict someone so we'll have to skip."

Everyone began to talk as they all began to settle down hearing no one was getting kicked out as I sighed before I went over my notes once more before I closed my book.

Everyone began to make their way to their rooms as I stayed out in the living room as it was now 11 at night, the day passed by fast which was quite surprising,

I slowly made my way to the victims room as I opened the door, before walking into the room as I searched his room finding his note book as I left his room, the lights in the hallways were now off. As the darkness settled in a slowly made my way down the hall as I tried to be as quiet as I could. Feeling the walls to know when I'm in the living room to be able to go to my hallway.

I felt my hand run out of wall as I was in the living room now. Before I slowly made my way through the living room the only thing I could rely on was my hearing, I began to feel around as my hand hits the wall once more before I began to make my way down the hall.

That's when I hear a creak behind me. As I knew then and there that someone was behind me, as I began to walk faster down the hall as I felt around 4 doors Down as I opened the door and shut it turning on my room light as I grabbed the chair from my desk as I pushed it up to the door knob.

Feeling secure I slowly sat down on my bed facing the door as I opened the victims journal and began to read,

"My name is Jake Williams, I am a 25 year old male and I got the role survivor, hopefully that somehow gives me some luck to survive. I don't know how I got here but it's awful. It reeks of blood, or at least my room does. I don't think I'll be able to survive till the end, but I did hear people laughing in the room next to mine which I feel is suspicious, who could be laughing at a time like this.. this was earlier this morning, I was around the 7th person that left my room. May god bless my soul."

I finished reading his journal as I began to think more, before I sigh, "lost someone on the good team..."

I began to flip the pages of Jake's notebook as I found nothing there, this sucks. I got out my pen as I began to write in my journal to hope that I can figure something out,

"Jake Willams- SURVIVOR, (dead)

He reported hearing suspicious laughing in a different room as that means there may be someone he is on the evil team around that area. I hope that I can avenge this man's death and find the killer, as he was killed in cold blood."

I clicked my pen close as I put Williams  notebook in my drawer before I close my own and put it in my pillow case once more before I slowly lay down to rest.

Keeping my eye on the door until I slowly began to fall asleep as I felt my body slowly numb.

..That is until the door rattled.

I shook awake as I glance around the room in worry as I looked at my door before I rushed to the lights as I shut them off before I realized how stupid that was, giving awake my spot, as I heard the door knob rattle more I pushed the chair higher against the door knob as I prayed for whoever I was to go away under my breath as I felt myself began to tear up, my worried panty breath starting to make me panic, I felt like I was going to throw up from fear,

They bang on the door as I flinch harshly before I began to panic more, feeling tears drip down my face as I began to look around my room desperately trying to find something to protect myself.

the chair flew off the door.

The door swung open as I could only see the shadow of someone come after me with a knife as I cover myself in fear.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2023 ⏰

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