The "Argument"

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(Max's POV)

Jasper Nevada High school

Yesterday was a bad day the Autobots went on a mission and Miko went with them so me and Jack have to save her and she started to blame me for's is so annoying.

So I was waiting for Arcee and Jack to pick me up from school...and maybe today I can tell her about my feelings

Arcee and Jack just arrived to pick me up

Max: Hey guy's what's up?

They didn't say anything but Jack nod at me to get on so I got helmet on and drive to the base when I saw Jack's face he look so...angry

Max's (thoughts):Man I wonder why Jack's so mad? Maybe it's because what happened to Miko yesterday

So I turned to Arcee

Max: Hey Arcee how are you doing?

Arcee: Good

She sounded grumpy when she said that

Max (thoughts): Man she's upset too maybe I should ask everyone at base of what's going on

(They arrive to the base went inside there Max saw everyones faces

Max: Hey guys what's with faces did something happened?

Everyone was silent for a moment then Optimus spoke

Optimus: Max's you are in trouble

I was confused

Max: Wait what are you guys talking about? I didn't do anything

Bulkhead got mad at that statement

Bulkhead: What do you mean by that? You are the cause of what happened yesterday with Miko

Arcee: Yeah you could've have gotten her hurt or killed!

I was looking at Miko Jack and Raf Miko was snickering that's when I realized something

Max: Guys don't you realize that she's lying look at her she's even snickering
Jacks was there with me you can ask him yourself

They all lock at Jack

Arcee: Jack is this true?

I was expecting him to tell her the truth but instead he said this

Jack: No

I was shock at this why is he lying

Raf: Guy's Max is telling the truth

Raf said this I was very thankful of him

Ratchet: I don't believe that Raf

I was started to get pissd at this


I yelled


He yelled I was shocked at this I never or heard him yell

Optimus: Due to your actions of yesterday you will grounded from the base

Max: Are you serious please you are a big mistake

Arcee: Well to bad kid

Max: Arcee please don't do this I was planning to tell you something today

Arcee: Then what is it then?


Everyone was shock when I said I thought Arcee will be happy when I said that but I was wrong.

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