02. between the lines

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chapter two.
─── between the lines

THE CABIN was silent as finley laid on her bed. the rest of the girls were at auditions for the musical. she didn't sign up for any of the electives, so she was hoping that no one would notice that she was still in the cabin.

her silence was interrupted when she heard dewey, the camp director, talking to someone. "val, make your rounds."

she groaned, knowing that the blonde would try to make her leave. the door opened quickly, revealing val. "hey, fin. you know what time it is right?"

"yeah... i just thought electives were optional?" she tried.

"come on! they're not as bad as they seem. and it will be a good way to make some friends that are actual campers." val explained. "swimming still has one spot open."

"i can't swim." finley deadpanned.

"oh, so you plan on signing up for the musical?"

she rolled her eyes. "are those really my only options?"

"yes. really."

"look, i didn't come here to sing in a barn."

"then why did you come?" she questioned, genuinely wanting to know.

finley went quiet, not wanting to explain herself to someone she barely knew. "forget about it. i'll do the stupid musical. can i play a snowflake?"

"do you sing?" she asked.

"no, i haven't in years."

"i'm sure you still got a little something left in there." val smiled, motioning for finley to follow her, to which she did.

when they walked into the barn, the campers were all on the stage, staring at the pair.

"uh, sorry. auditions started over an hour ago." maddox broke the silence.

"it's okay, everyone is welcome to try out." a voice said from inside the crowd of campers.

the boy walked off the stage, handing her a packet of sheet music. she scanned the cover, "i'm not sure about this."

"it's okay. nobody's judging you." val said, putting her hand on her shoulder.

funny enough, finley was obsessed with frozen: the musical when she was in middle school, so she was very familiar with the songs. she flipped through the pages, trying to find a specific song. taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and gripped the pages in her hand.

"I know I'll never see that sunny day
When this trial is finally through
And it could just be me and you
I can't dwell on what we've lost
And our secrecy and silence comes at such a cost

I wish I could tell the truth
Show you who's behind the door
I wish you knew what all this pantomime
And pageantry was for

𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐃 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 - ej caswell ✔️Where stories live. Discover now