Little coindidence with lukes ex

104 1 6

Type: SLIGHT smut, and fluff
Trigger warning!: mentions of r@pe

Lukes pov
I walk down the hall to my locker when I see a familiar face. Not one I would like to see.
" hello, Luke." They said, with an evil smile

"What do you want, Angela." I say, wanting to go run to zander, and hide.

"Look, im gonna get straight to the point. you have 7 days to decide. Date me again, and zander stays alive, or keep dating zander, and he dies." She says, with a threatening look in her eyes.

"W-what:.?" I ask, flinching when zander comes up behind me, hugging my arm.

"Luke..? whos this..?" He asks, nuzzling his head on my shoulder.

"Uhm... nobody important... we need to leave.. like now... go hide in the band room... ill be there soon..." i say, motioning for him to leave.

"O...kay..? bye then..." he says, leaving, and going to the band room.

"listen here angela." My voice starting to get angrier, and darker.
"You need to leave me and my boyfriend alone. You dont get to come here and act like so yandere after you r@ped me and cheated on me. Leave before i actually report you this time and get you arrested." I say, trying to be nice, but failing.

"Fucking fine! but dont act like i dont exist. Ill come back." she says, storming off.

i go to the band room, meeting up with zander, realizing nobody else was there, and practice wasnt for another 30 minutes.

zander pov:
"Hm? Yeah luke?" I say, looking up at him.
"Yknow.. that girl... she is insane... but shes gone now... and practice.. isnt for another 30 minutes... you wanna just sit here and cuddle?" Luke asks, staring down at me.

"Sure..! if you wanna..." i respond, as he sits on one of the bean bags, and i sit on his lap, leaning my back on him.

A few minutes go by of just silence and cuddles, when i feel a slight lunp on my ass.

"Luke? What is that-?"

"You know what that is, darling.." he responds, his voice raspy and low.

I suddenly feel him kissing on my neck


"Hm~?" He responds, kissing my neck harder, his hands going over to my hips.

"Wh-what are you doing...?"

"i want you...~" he says, nibbling on it slightly, causing me to moan a little

"N-ngh...~" i moan out softly

*time skip to 15 minutes later*

3rd person:

Milly walks in

"WASSUP FU-" she says, but being cut off by seeing luke kissing zanders neck.

"Holy fuuuuuuuuuu" she says, walking out.

"Luke you mother fucker-" zander says, realizing the hickeys on his neck.

"Heh~ ill finish you later baby~" he says, getting up and going to his drums, as zander stumbles over to his piano.

Hope you enjoyed :p

480 words woahhhhh

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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