Untitled Part 1

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No. I kept repeating the word over and over in my head. She couldn't be dead yet her body was lying on the ground in front of me as proof. I dropped to the ground next to her and clasped her hand to my unbeating heart. Her eyes stared unseeingly up to the sky, the stars reflecting in her dark pupil's. I tried to remember her last moments. Lewis had grabbed the vial of holy water and poured the rest of it down her throat. Then he had walked off as if nothing had happened. As she lay twitching on the ground, I ran forward towards her body, clutching her face in my hands making her look at me. My hands were covered with angel blood and left fingerprints on her pale neck. Kane came up to me and placed his hand on my shoulder, the other wrapped around Evie's shoulders. He stared at me asking a silent question. I nodded and he stood back slightly, pulling his knife out of his belt. I sat back and rocked Lexi's head in my lap. A tear fell down her cheek. Kane frowned slightly. Her head jerked violently and she coughed up a mouthful of blood. I wiped her chin with my sleeve and listened hard. Above the cackling fire and gasping of the wounded there was a faint heartbeat.

"She's alive." I muttered looking up at everybody. Why did they look so miserable? Evie shook her head. "I-It's the a-angel in her Liam." Kane slipped the knife into my open hand but I pushed it back shaking my head. Quick as a flash Kane dropped the knife into her chest. I shouted unconsciously at him. He yanked his knife back out sharply. It was soaked with blood. A dark stain was seeping over her black shirt. Her eyes had turned fully black and she looked like a demon. I kissed her one last time, my hands knotting in her perfect hair which was laced with silver glitter. Probably Evie's doing. She flinched again as though I had slapped her. Her mouth formed the words "I love you" then she became still. I gently shut her eyelids with my long fingers and laid her on the ground. She looked so peacefull that she could've just been  asleep. But I knew the truth. She was dead and nothing could bring her back. I looked up at her killer. He was standing a few meters away observing my reaction.

"She's dead." I choked through non-existent tears. Before anyone could stop me I launched my self at him, my only thought to rip him to pieces. He clicked his fingers and a man came and pulled me back and pushed me to my knees seconds before I could claw at his face. "Your a murderer! You killed her!" I screamed. Lewis just laughed in my face and knelt down so our eyes were at the same level. He brought his hand sharply across my face. It didn't hurt but I still growled at him. The man holding me back gave me a sharp shove and I fell to the floor but I got back to my feet just as quickly. The killer twitched his dark suit back into place then turned around and casually strolled back towards a black porsche, parked on the curb near a florist that had blown up and scattered brightly coloured flowers all over the pavement. Just as he pulled open the car door, someone screamed behind us. We all turned around to see a male angel bending over Electra. Previously, her head had been ripped off and her body was sprawled on the ground, her limbs bent awkwardly. I had completely forgotten about her once Lexi was gone. Now she was sitting up and gasping like a fish out of water. My mouth dropped open in shock and to my right, I saw Kane look just as shocked as I felt.

"It Worked!" Lewis breathed. He clicked his fingers "Take her," the angel bending over her body lifted her into the backseat of the car. I ran forward but the door had already clicked shut. I banged my fists against the dark windows, shouting for Electra to get back out. Her hand rested against the glass for a fraction of a second then someone pulled her back. I kicked the car in frustration and the black metal dented. The man slipped into the front seat and revved the engine. I bared my fangs at him and he chuckled slightly. A human woman in the passenger seat placed her skinny arms around his biceps. She leaned up and kissed him on the cheek leaving a red lipstick stain. I noticed that she was wearing very little clothing, showing bruises on her arms and stomach. Lewis drove off leaving me standing in middle of the road. He rolled down the window and waved his ringed hand at me.

"Goodbye little brother!" He shouted. Everyone stared at me, completely shocked. I turned around slowly, then scooped up Lexi in my arms like she was a little child, one arm supporting her shoulders and the other under her knees. Kane started to speak but I ignored him. He still had his hands cupped under Evie's elbows to stop her from falling. I carried on walking at a human pace, ignoring everything around me. Finally I got to the town hall. Every town had a network of safe rooms underneath it so that vampire's could have a safe place to stay and more supplies if they needed anything. Back at home, we had made a permanent base for ourselves that vampire's could settle down in. I kicked open the secret door and walked into the corridor beyond. It was plain stone and very dark. I ran to the end, where the tunnel opened into a wide chamber that was messily painted white. I laid Lexi's limp body on the cold stone floor, then hurried over to a raised platform on the other side of the room. Lexi had once called it a stage. I jumped up onto it the platform, noticing little lines of dust on the floor where somebody had recently walked. The hall was empty and eerily quiet compared to the crakling of fire and gasps of the remaning people outside in the street.

Halfway through re-filling my backpack with supplies, I broke down. Lexi was gone. I knew that, her body was lying a few meters away from me, but there was a nagging voice in the back of my head that kept telling me that she was going to jump up and laugh. Oh her laugh. The way it started off with a small smile then she laughed properly, the sound ringing out like bells long after it had died down. It made everyone else laugh with her. I slung the backpack over my shoulders then lifted her body back up in my arms. She was almost weightless to me. Even in death she was still beautiful. When I first saw her, I wanted to kiss her, to hold her close and call her mine. Then I watched her defeat that minor angel, Holly. They say in your first few weeks, that's when your the strongest. My arms shook slightly from grief. I collapsed to my knees, holding her body close to mine. I bent my head over hers, letting our forheads touch. I let her go as her back touched the floor then I laid down next to her body, wishing it was me instead of her. I didn't want to see a world with out her. Something glinted in the shadows and I sat up straight, tensing my muscles preparing to fight. Someone slithered cat-like into the light. Nico. She was a black jumpsuit, complete with silver, metal cat-ears perched on her frizzy hair. Without warning, she suddenly jumped at me, scratching at my face. I didn't even try to defend myself. Eventually she pushed me over, pinning me between the cold, hard ground and her body. I remembered the few months I had spent married to her. She had forced me to marry her even though I had shown her no love. It was against vampire laws to divorce someone but I had to. She never forgave me for it.

"What happened?" She hissed, her hands squeezed around my neck, tightening at every word. "My sister where is she?" Her fangs became visible between her lips. I shook my head. "Lewis- Lewis took her. I tried to stop him but he can't be stopped. He killed L-Lexi" I choked out her name like the words physically hurt me. Nico growled then punched my head into the stone before running off out the hall. I can't believe I ever married her. The cracks that had appeared up the back of my head were already startng to close up by themselves. I rubbed my neck and picked up Lexi again. In a few minutes I was standing out in the street again. The sun was just starting to rise in the distance, spreading its red glow across the town. Kane walked up to me, placing his hand on my shoulder in a brotherly gesture. "Ready?" I nodded. Evie bowed her head in grief at seeing Lexi's corpse again. We all took a swig of the remaining golden potion until the tiny vial had been emptied. Last time we had done this, Lexi had been alive and Electra was still with us. I missed them both so much. I was going to get Electra back. Nobody else was going to die if I could help it.

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