Chapter two

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Chapter two

Today was the day of the funeral. We arrived back at the base in a dreadful state. Evie could barely stand and kept blacking out, which was unusual for a vampire. People had rushed around us, bringing cups of blood and healing potions. I didn't put Lexi's corpse down and no-one was stupid enough to try and take her away. Amelia sat down on the floor by my side. Hours passed in silence then she spontaneously brought the back of her and across my face. I stared at her shocked. She was pretty strong for someone older than me. "Sorry. You looked like you needed that." She muttered. That's why I wanted her on my team in the first place. She was unpredictable and knew what everyone needed. Also one one the cleverest vampires I have ever met. I thought of her as a version of my mother. When I was a human boy, my mother used to be an alcoholic. When she got angry I used to hide behind our fancy couch and imagine what it would be like to have a parent who actually cared about me. Amelia dragged me to my feet and lifted Lexi out of my arms. Her body was limp in Amelia's arms and paler than ever.

After that, I sort of blanked out. I didn't eat or talk to anyone for days. I just curled up in the corner staring into space, my eyes getting darker and darker from lack of blood until they were fully black, matching my veins that stood out against the pale skin. People talked to me and carried on with their lives as though nothing had happened. Vampires in my team had zoned out before when their mate died, but that was different. They were married. Me and Lexi had just been friends. Well a bit more than friends really. Amelia kept bringing me a silver tray, with glass goblets filled of dark blood but I refused to drink a single drop. Maybe if I starve myself, I will just die. I want to die. I want to be with Lexi. On the fifth day, Amelia sat next to me again. She was wearing a knee length black dress and had a lacy black veil across her eyes.

"Are you coming to the funeral?" She asked. Her voice was always sharp and careful. The word funeral hit me hard. Of course there would be a funeral. It was stupid not to have one. This would be her second. Kane told me her family sent 'her' off in style. Amelia pulled me to my feet and dragged me over to a familiar-looking tallish man. He was also dresssed in black, with a gold wristwatch. "This is my husband George" announced Amelia proudly. George raised his eyebrows at me. "Your not planning on wearing that are you?" That was a bit rude. I just shrugged and looked down at my body. The clothes were stiff from Lexi's blood and ripped in places. He pushed me out of the room, down a few corridors and into the men's changing rooms. "Change," he commanded snapping the door shut behind me. The room was filled with different outfits for different situations, mostly in black or other dark colours. I quickly ripped off my clothes, tossing them to the side, then pulled on a pair of black jeans and a black shirt, leaving it half open showing off my muscles. It wasn't for attention, I just felt like showing a bit of skin. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a sexy black fedora in the corner that Lexi had once jokingly placed on my head, I slipped it on, covering my dirty blond hair. George rapped his knuckles on the wooden door telling me to hurry up. Just before I left, I downed a glass of blood that had been left on a cabinet. It pumped through my veins giving me the energy my body was craving. I walked out towards the hall where we usually held funerals and weddings. It was as big as a cathedral decorated in the same old fashioned style. Pillars rose up like great white beasts ready to pounce on us and stained glass panels decorated the walls. We were still underground so no light shone through at all. Sparkling silver chairs were lined up in rows, each decorated with a thick black ribbon and a glittering Lexi Rose written in fancy silver lettering on the backrest of the seat. Amelia had joined us again, and she slipped her hand hand through George's arm. They looked so cute together. She squeezed my hand tightly and I forced a smile for her. How could I have been so oblivious to her happiness before.

I took my seat in the front row as a vicar stepped up to speak. He stood in front of a glass coffin that contained Lexi's body. She was so beautiful, dressed in a black dress that went oddly well with her pale skin. Someone had applied dark makeup to her face which was a bit pointless as she was naturally pretty. The parts of the coffin that weren't glass were made out of a twisted gold metal. "And now we have a speech from Lexi's good friend and captian, Liam Kelly." I snapped out of my trance and looked at Amelia. She smirked and nodded me towards the front. I swear I would kill her someday. The only reason I haven't yet is because I would miss her too much. It was traditional for the dead vampire's captain to make a speech. I glided towards the front and nodded towards the vicar. He used to be a captain aswell but turned to religion a few centuries ago. "I was her boyfriend actually." I corrected him. A few people in the audience chuckled. The whole coven had gathered as it was very rare that someone was murdered. Most vampires just wondered off from the base when the needed to move on and we never saw them again. It was almost unbearable to be so close to her corpse. I wanted to hold her body close to mine and kiss every inch of her. At the back of the hall I noticed the man Lexi had called her uncle on the first day. He was standing just behind the stone faced leaders with a pained expression on his face. I cleared my throat and started speaking, saying things that people expected to hear at a funeral.

"I wouldn't stop loving you. Not for anything. Vampires accept that they're dead, but as long as I remember what it was like to love you, I will always feel alive." I concluded, directing my last words at Lexi. Amelia looked like she was about to cry, but obviously being a vampire prevented that from happening. I walked up to the coffin and brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, bending down to kiss her forehead one last time before returning to my seat. The vicar spoke for a bit then we had a moment of silence. Everyone respectfully bowed their heads. Vampire funerals are very different from human funerals. For example, everyone in the room is already dead. Then there's the fact that the vampire venom in our blood preserves our bodies so instead of getting buried, our corpses are displayed in a mourning room for everyone to visit.

The vicar finally stopped speaking and everyone rose to their feet, forming a single line to the front. As they exited the hall, they placed a delicate black rose into the open glass coffin next to the body. Amelia firmly grabbed me by the shoulder and pulled me towards the front. The leaders were the last one's to leave. By this time the hall had emptied out, leaving only a few people left. The creepy woman leader approached me, her thick blond hair dangling behind her like a curtain. She had the traditional blood red mourning robes draped over her shoulders and a cold smile that matched her deathlike pallor. "We must immediately discuss the situation Mr. Kelly. I assume you and your team have a plan." I must have looked as shocked as I felt because Amelia spoke for me. "Liam has been in shock over Lexi's death but I assure you we are tracking down the murderer as we speak mistress." Are we? I don't want anything to do with my brother ever again. The leader grunted and strutted away. She obviously wanted to make us look bad. The other leaders followed her, their hands clasped together as though praying. I was about to exit when Irina tapped me on the shoulder. She had sat next the me through the ceremony and I think she had given a speech, but I was to upset to notice.

"Are you okay? I know I'm not." I was sick of people asking me if I was alright. My girlfriend had just been murdered. Do you think im alright?. Instead of saying this I just mumbled something incomprehensible. When was this going to end? "Excuse me miss, but can I have a word with Liam?" It was Kane. He had respectfully bleached his hair blond for the occasion but everyone knew it would be back to bubblegum pink as soon as this was over. Irina nodded politely and kissed me on the cheek before wandering off to the coffin. Kane followed her with his eyes as she walked away. "Is she single?" He questioned. I slapped him across the face. "Right. Dead girlfriend's sister." Another slap.

"Don't blame yourself. It wasn't your fault." Kane spoke outloud but because he could read my mind I spoke in my head. I didn't want to speak anyway. He was the only one who understood that. If she had stayed here she would still be alive. " She saved your life. And the hundreds of people in that town. Would you rather it was your body in the coffin?" He raised his voice becoming more frantic. At least she would be alive. "You wouldn't have been able to keep her here anyway. She threatened to run away if you didn't take her." I wish I was dead. I wish we were all dead and Lewis too. If he hadn't turned me then- I cut off realizing what I had just told him.

Before I could let what I had said sink in I darted from the room heading straight for Lexi's room. Even though we don't "sleep" we are each given our own room to place our possessions and to hang out when we are not needed. Me and Lexi shared a few memories in her room. Especially at night. I threw myself on her bed breathing in her scent. After a few minuets I leapt to my feet and stumbled over to her wardrobe. Inside was the shirt Evie and Kane had found her in. It was ripped in a few placed but otherwise unscathed. My claws ripped my own shirt off and I slipped her one over my shoulders. It was a little tight in the arms. I think it belonged to her father. There was also a small pocket mirror with jewles around the glass. Evie would probably claim it as her own.

Suddenly the was a harsh rapping at the door. I hastily put the room back in order and fixed my outfit tossing my fedora onto the metal bed. As it hooked on to the frame, I casually opened the door like nothing had happened. "Amelia!" I gasped in surprise. She strolled in, inspecting the plain room. "What are you doing here?" She also had changed and was now wearing a golden blouse with matching bangles dangling from her wrists. "I arranged for you a little trip to take your mind off things. I want you to find the twins. Both of them have been confirmed missing. You need to find them." She gave me a curt nod and spun on her heel to leave. "You should take Kane. He can't stand it down here."

I felt like something had suddenly inflated inside of me. This is what I needed. I needed to kill my brother.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2015 ⏰

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