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Akaza pov

When I woke up i was in a different room, I didn't remember what happened yesterday but I only remember that i met Kokushibo and douma

But I don't think i will see them again

When i got up i was still wearing the work costume, it was a new day for work but I didn't want to go there.

Then the door open

No pov

The door was half way open but Akaza went back to the wall

"WHO ARE YOU" Akaza had shouted

The door had opened fully and saw 2 tall figures was behing the door

It was douma and kokushibo

I started to tear up because I thought it was a dream about meeting them, then douma walked to me and gave me a hug and push me into bed while in a sleeping position, soon after kokushibo followed and hug me and soon they were both asleep.

I was shocked by this but also didn't mind it

No pov

Can you get off of me i want to go said akaza

No....i dont want you to leave us again said kokushibo and douma

Let me take a god dang shower💢, and where is your bathroom said akaza

Douma got up and pointed at a door where the bathroom was

Akaza got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower but there was just a tub, but the door wasn't lock and kokushibo and douma waspeeking at a fully relax bath tub with his legs out of the water

Kokushibo and douma wanted to see this more longer while they  were fighting for the best view, but they knew that they couldn't see for long because akaza had already done take a bath, kokushibo and douma were back to their bed were they were at

Akaza got out of the bathroom with just a towel on his waist

Hey do you have any spare clothes for me said akaza

Douma then look at kokushibo then kokushibo noded, douma got up and got a maid dress for him to wear

What the fuck is this, no way im going to wear this said akaza

But akaza dono you work for us now~ as a maid for our house said douma

Fine then ill wear this said akaza

Akaza went to the bathroom and puts it on
Akaza gets out of the bathroom and blushes of how revealing it is

Douma and kokushibo was already wanting him in bed

Kokushibo asked akaza
Can you please make us food because it is already night time and dinner time

Where is your kitchen said akaza

Its down stairs on the right said douma

[ time skip for dinner ]

Akaza puts the food down on the table and sorts the dinner table for the two

Dumplings, steak, and some chicken

Kokushibo and douma heads down to eat the food that akaza made, they saw akaza sleeping on the job but they didn't care because how cute he is. They set him down on the couch first then they started eating

While eating

Akaza is mine dont even think about it said douma

No..Akaza is mine not yours you greedy person said kokushibo

Skip after dinner

They put the dishes into the sink so tomorrow the dish were going to be cleaned up

They saw akaza again and they decided to share him so kokushibo picks him up and goes to the bedroom and putting down akaza onto the bed with douma and kokushibo sleeping beside akaza

And soon the night fell onto the sun

Thanks so much for reading this ill be making more chapters in the future

Goodbye buddies 🤗🤗🤗

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