Chapter 23

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"Hang on!" Lennox yelled to us and it was now or never. The osprey was flying crazy and i turned to look at Cade and Viviane.

"Those fighters better distract those enemy ships!" Lennox said and right after that we saw our plane to fall down.

"Our landing zone is there!" I yelled to Lennox and the ship hit on something.

"Hold on, we're going down!" Lennox yelled and i closed my eyes automatically when the plane hit on the ground. It didn't stop immediately. I tried to stiff my body so that it wouldn't feel as bad as it was. After while the plane finally stopped and all the soldiers ran outside and started to shoot.

"You three. It's real and i don't want any of you ending up dead so please even try to stay alive." I yelled to Cade, Viviane and Izabella 'cause it was so noisy that you couldn't hear even your own thoughts. I lowered my body and i ran closer to Lennox and his grew. Cade was following me with the girls. I get weird feeling and i don't know why.

Somebody is shooting at us with full fire and it needs to stop. These Cybertronian ships are enough to face to.

"That gun emplacement is tearing us apart! There's the ignition chamber, dead ahead." Lennox raised his voice while we walked and lowered ourselves on top of the hill. We stared the chamber and it was far away.

"Air cover not coming. Unable." A man said through the radio.

"Shit..." I whispered. "Where is Optimus?!" I yelled and tried to look around.

"Push right to the crater! Let's go!" Lennox yelled to us and we started to ran again. It was only luck that we were alive right now. We got ourselves in the crater and we scanned the situation again.

I was on my one knee on the ground and my opinion was that we needed the bigger boys to help us. I felt huge thud behind me.

"Pinned down with the Hound!" He yelled and he started shooting too.

"Hound, where's Prime?" I asked from him while i focused on shooting.

"I have no idea but damn, Missy, you look like a real goddamn major now!" Hound cheered me up and i knew he always has my back. A huge smile appeared on my face after hi words and i focused back on the enemies.

"No way! Where's Optimus?!" I heard Cade yelling to Lennox behind me.

"They said he never made it." Lennox answered back to Cade and my eyes went wide open.

"Bullshit!" I yelled to Lennox and i turned to look at him.

"We got the big gun on us!" Lennox continued.

"He will be here and i know it!" I yelled to him but he didn't answer to me.

"We're pinned down!" One of the Lennox's soldiers yelled. I didn't hear anything what Lennox commanded and it was all just disaster.

"Fuck, this is disaster." I mumbled next to Hound's legs.

"You said it!" Hound answered while focusing on shooting the enemies.

"Izzie, get back here!" Lennox yelled loudly and i turned to look at her. She was running somewhere but i didn't run after her.

"I'll be right back!" Izzie yelled back to us.

"It's just a cluster effin' thingamabob!" Hound yelled.

I watched the enemies and i saw Megatron little further away from us but he was walking towards us anyway. His optics were glued into us and i felt bad about the sitution. Megatron did something and then some thing grew behind him. It was a Decepticon and it connected together into bigger one.

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