Come on we're so close to the Village of Dragon," Iris cheered, "Hey we're going as fast as we can," Ash smiled. After the events in Roshan City, Ash decided that it was finally time to head to Iris' home village, "I can't wait to see your home village," Anabel smiled, "Hey you three are a bunch of Slowbros," Iris voiced. "I can't wait to introduce big brother to the elder," she said.Entering the village, the three nonlocals saw Druddigon along Axew and its evolutions playing around, "Iris my Arceus your back," a female voice called out. "Shannon," Iris smiled hugging the girl her height wearing a dress under a vest. "Does this mean your journey is over?" Shannon asked, "Actually we're only stopping but I also have a new family," Iris answered. "What do you mean?" Shannon questioned, "I'm traveling with my big brother Ash Ketchum," Iris said, "Wait, Ash Ketchum the trainer with Zekrom?" Shannon wondered, "Yeah that's me," Ash voiced. "Oh forgive me for ignoring you all," Shannon said, "No need to worry," Ash waved. "Oh and my name is Anabel and this is Hilda," Anabel introduced herself and Hilda.
It was here that two Pokémon entered the scene, "Oh wow Zweilous," Iris said as Shannon waved them over, "I'm taking care of these two," she said, "Wow what are these Pokémon?" Hilda asked opening her pokédex.
Zweilous, the Hostile Pokémon and the evolved form of Deino. Zweilous always eats more than it should, moving to a new home after eating all the food it can find. Zweilous is a dark-blue, quadruped Pokémon with two heads and black fur covering its necks and back. Its front legs are muscular with two claws on each foot, but its rear legs are less defined and have two small, backward-pointing toes without claws. There are tufts of fur over its heads with rounded points at the top. It has two thin wings on its back, each ending in two points. The fur stops at the chest and opens up to fuchsia striped bands on the side of its legs.
"You sure got your hands full with these two," Iris giggled, "Oh that reminds me where's Axew?" Shannon asked, "I'll show you when we get to the elder's house," Iris smirked similar to Ash.
"Hello Iris it's been a long time," the elder voiced with a smile, "Oh and this must be the famous Ash Ketchum," she said. "You mean the Ash Ketchum that has the Zekrom?" one of the guys said standing next the elder, "Yeah I'm that Ash Ketchum," he said, "Even then thank you for taking care of Iris," the elder said, "Iris along with Hilda here are the sister's I've always wanted," Ash smiled, "Yes so I take it that she'll be traveling to Kanto with you," she said, "Don't worry I'll visit," Iris assured.
"Tell me how is Axew doing as I don't see him popping out of your hair," the elder said, "Fraxure come on out," Iris voiced revealing her evolved Pokémon, "Even if Axew has evolved I can tell it's still the same," Elder said. "Hey Iris do you mind if you show us any other Dragon-types you have?" the other guy asked, "I actually have four; Shelgon, Druddigon, Flygon, and Dragonite," Iris answered. "Wow where did you get a Shelgon?" the elder asked impressed, "Oh Lance gave it to me," Iris admitted, "How did you get a Dragon Master to give you a Dragon-type?" the first guy asked amazed, "Me and Hilda helped Ash and Lance when Team Plasma attacked Milos Island," Iris explained.
Heading outside the elder's house, "Alright everyone come on out," Iris said revealing her dragon-like Pokémon. "Think you can show us Zekrom please," the second guy asked, "I'm not too sure that Zekrom would be fine with that," Ash chuckled, "Actually I wouldn't mind some fresh air," Zekrom voiced. "Alright Zekrom show them your ideals," Ash said releasing the Dragon of Ideals, "Oh wow," a child said as everyone circled around the mighty black dragon.
"So you know of Iris' past," the elder said, "Yeah and since we see each other as siblings I decided to adopt her," Ash explained, "I thank you," the elder thanked. "Mister can we ride on Zekrom?" a young girl asked pulling on Ash's leg, "Does your mother approve of this?" Ash questioned receiving a negative, "I'm sure your mother has a good reason as too why," Ash assured patting the child on her head. Waving the group of four the elder said, "Young Iris has truly improved since her running away," a deep man's voice replied, "Then I want to see what she has learned from on the path she chose herself."