The doctors words

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jungkook p.o.v
jimin how can you do this to me I love you so much rosè loves you so much but why do you want to give your life so bad I wish I could yell these things at him but I can't because I don't want his last days disheartening all I can do now is protect him I cry so hard as I punch the wall I am leaning against I feel a pair of arms snake around my waist I see rosè she is sobbing I try to comfort her we both end up comforting and crying for quite some time she said that she would have come sooner but right now she had to comfort jimin he was in much worst shape and this could affect his lifespan really and the nurse came to tell her that they must have a talk with park jimins family since I am his guardian I have to go and she asked Mr if I wanted to go too I nodded my head

T THE DOCTORS authors p.o.v
dr:what I have is bad news so don't get your hopes up he has Been overworking himself himself he is exhausted and the fact that he didn't eat his pills and starved was also not good so im.i will give you a moment after this you can scold me or taunt me as much as you want his lifespan decreased drastically he now has 8 months left to live in sorry but if he doesn't take up the surgery and also doesn't rely on pills than there is nothing I can do to help I'm sorry
jungkook looked like he had been hitten with a electric shock and rosé looked like she was about to pass out rosé suddenly got the courage and said to excuse jk and her of there is nothing else the doctor nodded his head jungkook looked at rosé and suddenly kissed her it was half out of love and half out of worry anger and pain rosé felt the same she said comfortingly 'kookie don't worry we have to be there for him since you are close to him at work why you protect and be there for him then and I will be there for him when he returns
(in this story rosé is a year older than jimin)

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