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taehyung p.o.v
I can't believe this does he does he- does he really have stomach CANCER? I walk towards them and hide behind a wall and eavesdrop on their conversation and what I listen shocks me
Cheng Xiao starts breaking down and rosè starts sobbing but jungkook he looks the worst he can't even breathe by the way he is crying jungkook said something that crashes my whole world down rosé Xiao why can't he take the operation if he would his stomach cancer should be healed Cheng Xiao replied by saying jungkook-ah remember we must be there for him it's his final month and he doesn't want to take the operation because of that Kim taehyung the reason he has stomach cancer in the first place was also him don't you remember he didn't watch what he ate and then he suddenly always threw up whatever food he ate because he was overworking himself and that Kim taehyung didn't do anything to correct it instead made it worst by treating him like trash in his last few days at the company and accusing him literally no employe belived that accusation that yoongi threw on him just because jimin insulted him they knew better than that heart less jerk and now he is suffering AND IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF HIM rosé started massaging cheng xiao shoulders and said cheng xiao please calm down

Cheng Xiao said at first I wanted to kill him when I first got the job but then I just wanted to make him suffer then jimin talked me out if it who else can be litteraly such an angel that Kim taehyung is so o rude and cold and I don't even have any other words left to say to him to insult him and that yoongi guy even threatened Lisa how cheap of hi-


I finally realised I love him but do I deserve to be with him after it was my fault he was the one suffering I don't know why my feat carried me to a bar I got quietly and ordered 3 shots I drank then again I drank I drank again and again untill I lost consciousness

I woke in a bed and a chandelier hanging from the ceiling I groaned and slowly got out of bed and rubbing my eyes and massaging my head with my hands as it was aching I slowly got the hang of where I am after drinking the medicine that was on my bed side I was In my house I remember appa carrying me to the car I got dressed and rushed outside I had to meet jimin when I got downstairs I was met with glares from appa and emmoma and where have you been young man appa asked me I told them everything and they didn't looked surprised and I looked shocked suddenly appa put his hands on my shoulders and said If jimin was an ordinary employed we wouldn't have been mad about you firing him we installed security cameras in your office just for fun to see how you work but we didn't expect that you would treat jimin this harshly we couldn't look at it anymore and I knew that saying you should treat him well wasn't going to be effective as he told me not to tell you ,how do we know we were the ones who took him to the hospital and called his elder sister Cheng Xiao and I believe she is your p.a right ?

I just sat there I couldn't think of anyone else except jimin I ran to my car drove at full speed toward the hospital opened his room door and I saw jungkook feeding him as he was proped up with 5-6 pillows he looked so weak and fragile he was shocked to see me he was going to speak something but I dragged my tear stained face across his and kissed him and he kissed me back and it was epic but he suddenly pulled away and threw up what shocked me beyond my imagination was that it was blood !!!

I published 3 Ch because I'm going to be away for a  week and I won't have any internet to publish stories

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