Watch Out! Mama's Comming!

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First of all, Im Sheena Kate but my friends call me Kate. Im a CAT Officer at our school. Actually there were 14 of us. During our Training, our Senior Officers told us about the ghost they've encountered inside our school. At first, i laughed but when my senior's face became serious, i concentrated on what his telling. But my mind says "Ghosts are not true!". Our training always ends up 6:30 in the evening. Its getting dark by that time when i saw a small boy running at the hall at the science building. I told my seniors what i've saw. Then my Senior's voice became trembled and said "Leave it alone. Just ignore it!". I was frightened at first but i cant stop thinking what if that boy lost its mother? Sometimes, teachers bring their children to school. I thought it was my Teacher's son, Nico. I excused and ran as fast as i could then i checked the science building but its locked. "How did the child entered the gate? Oh well, maybe they already left" as i walk by the hall. Humming my favourite song Top Of The World by The Carpenters, I heard strange voice at the back then i turned around and saw nothing. I continued walking, then i heard footsteps following me. At first, i thought it was my fellow-trainors. I slowly walked and turned around to catch them following me. But instead of my co-trainors, i saw a young boy tracing the steps i've stepped. Then he ran towards me! I closed my eyes because i was frightened. But when i opened my eyes, he's gone.
I ran as fast as i could. As i reach the field, my co-trainors and seniors left. I cried and shout for help but all i can hear was crickets and frogs. I turned around to find them, when i saw a White lady approaching me, i was frozen and my knees are getting weaker. I turned my head at the right part of the field and saw the boy who i barely found at the hall. He shouted "Run! Mama's Comming". I ran again as fast as i could. As i reached at the quadrangle, I saw my co-trainiors sitting there and waiting for me. I approached them and cried. I told them what i've encountered at the field and at the hall. They tried to calm me down but i was in panic. I cant breath because of running the whole time.
They drove me home and thanked god for saving me. Also to that little boy who saved me.

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