07 - Visit

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When Yan Jingyu saw herself talking about how she arranged for people to add medicine to Yan Jingshu's hangover soup, and how to lure people to Yan Jingshu's room, Xie's expression remained unchanged, with a faint smile, looking at her calmly, It seems that what Yan Jingyu said is just something unimportant.

This made Yan Jingyu gradually calm down, and her tone became more justified from the nervousness at the beginning, and finally she said angrily: "Second brother is not good at himself, and he has made you angry since he was a child. For brother Tingyuan...and seduce brother Tingyuan, I can't get angry, so I-"

"Enough!" Yan Jingyu said a lot earlier, Xie listened quietly and did not respond, until she heard this, she frowned slightly, interrupted her, and said angrily: "You are a daughter who has not left the court. Open your mouth to seduce brother Tingyuan and let others hear what it looks like!"

"I'm sorry mother, I understand, I won't talk nonsense in the future." Knowing that her mother was not really angry, Yan Jingyu stuck out her tongue, moved to Xie's side, and obediently admitted her mistake, and then said: "Then Where is the second brother?"

Mrs. Xie sighed. For this daughter who has always been proud of her since childhood, she will not be really angry, and it is not a big deal. It's just that the daughter is young and inexperienced, and some arrangements are not detailed enough, and it is easy to leave traces.

After thinking about it, Mrs. Xie asked again: "Except for Biyun, Qiulan and Li Wang you just mentioned, no one else knows about this?"

"No." Yan Jingyu said affirmatively: "I also know that too many people should not know about this matter, so there are only three of them."

Mrs. Xie nodded, frowned slightly after pondering for a moment, serious complexion, and said to Yan Jingyu: "Remember, from now on, you don't know anything about what happened to your second brother, you just heard from your father that he was sick. Your servant may have heard something, but no one has told you about it, understand?" Since the husband wants to keep them from knowing, then they just pretend they don't know.

Yan Jingyu hurriedly said: "I understand." Even if her mother didn't tell her, she would still know about it.

Mrs. Xie nodded, and then said: "Biyun is not young anymore, she has served you for many years, and she is still dedicated. I plan to let her go home in two days, so that she can reunite with her family."

"Mother!" Yan Jingyu was startled. Biyun served her since she was a child, and she has her trust the most. Otherwise, she would not have asked Biyun to do this. Originally, she planned to take Biyun away when she got married in the future. ...

"Mother, Biyun..." Yan Jingyu wanted to beg again, but this time Mrs. Xie got up before she finished speaking, and said, "There is no need to say more about this matter, I have made up my mind. It's alright, let me do it now." Go see your second brother."

It's fine if you don't know, but now that she knows, as a mother, she always has to visit her second son, and Yan Jingyu naturally does the same.

When the mother and daughter arrived at Yan Jingshu's Mingxuan, An Guogong also came to see him after informing Mrs. Yan, and Nurse An, who was beside Mrs. Yan, also came to visit Yan Jingshu on Mrs. Yan's behalf.

"...It's good that the second young master is fine. The old slave will go back and tell the old lady, and the old lady can feel at ease." Nanny An is a woman in her fifties, slightly fat, with a fair face, and she smiles very kindly .

"Please trouble Madam An, tomorrow I can go to pay my respects to grandma in person, so that grandma doesn't have to worry too much." Yan Jingshu leaned against the bedside, looked more energetic than before, and smiled at Madam An.

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