21 - Bride price

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     "Cheng Han understands." Jiang Chenghan nodded, but he didn't leave just then, but asked Jiang again: "I don't know Madam, what is the general dowry gift for a family like the Duke of Anguo's family? ?”

     Mrs. Jiang pondered for a moment, and said: "The Duke of Anguo's mansion is a first-rank Duke, and there are only a few families like them in the court. Among them, the Duke of Yue's mansion just married a daughter not long ago. Although the man is not a descendant of the Duke, , but it is also a noble family, not to mention wedding cakes, tea and wine, seafood, jewelry, silk and other miscellaneous things, just one item of betrothal money, there are six thousand six hundred taels."

     Jiang Chenghan couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words, although it was quite a lot, he could still get it right now, thinking about it, he said to Jiang: "Since that's the case, then I will also prepare six thousand six hundred taels of hire money. Do the same for the others, so it's not good to wrong Young Master Yan. In addition, I thank Madam for her kindness, but I don't want to trouble Madam too much, I plan to rent another yard for the wedding. "

     He doesn't have a lot of money in his hands, so there is nothing left after the marriage, so it is impossible to buy a house in Beijing, but getting married is a big deal, and it is not good to use someone else's house for nothing, and Mrs. Jiang will definitely not accept it. For his money, it is better to rent another yard by himself.

     It didn't matter to Jiang Chenghan that he rented another yard, Jiang's, it was his own business, he could make up his own mind, but he decided to offer more than 6,000 taels of silver as the dowry after hearing that he was so light-hearted.

     You must know that this is only the dowry, and other dowry, plus the cost of renting the yard, wedding and other miscellaneous affairs, will cost at least one thousand eight hundred taels.

     It's her, if she wants to take out so much cash at once, she needs to find ways to raise money, it's not an easy thing to do, but Jiang Chenghan doesn't look embarrassed at all, just raise his hand and take it out, which makes Jiang Chenghan Shi felt that he might have underestimated Jiang Chenghan in the past.

     Both Jiang Chenghan and Kou Shijun saw Jiang's surprise. Jiang Chenghan couldn't say anything, but Kou Shijun, who had been sitting beside him, said with a smile: "Madam, you don't know, don't look at this kid who is usually silent. You are a rich man."

     Jiang Chenghan smiled, there are some things he won't say to others for some reason, but he won't hide it from Kou Shijun, so Kou Shijun knows how much money he has.

     "Really?" Jiang believed what her husband said, so she couldn't help being a little curious, but she didn't have a habit of inquiring about people's privacy, so she didn't ask any more questions, and just said: "That's fine, this kind of betrothal money, even in the capital city, can't afford it." It’s all considered to be a shot, and the government of An Guogong, I’m afraid they can’t even think of it.”

     Jiang Chenghan didn't say a word, he was willing to give out the dowry money, not for the sake of face, let alone to make others look up to him, he just thought that since Yan Jingshu followed him, he couldn't wrong others. Although he won't slap his face to look fat, or do things beyond his ability, but he will try his best to give Yan Jingshu what he can. At least it is enough for Yan Jingshu to see his sincerity and feel at ease.

     Once the two most important things are settled, the rest will be easy to handle. Without further ado, Mrs. Jiang decided to go to An Guogong's mansion tomorrow to discuss with Mrs. An Guogong's wife about the marriage between Jiang Chenghan and Yan Jingshu.

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